Graded A Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Chamberlain College of Nursing

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Graded A+ Cell Biology and Neuroscience
  • Graded A+ Cell Biology and Neuroscience

  • Examen • 5 páginas • 2020
  • Graded A Cell Biology and Neuroscience 1. Following equilibrium-density centrifugation, which one of the following molecules would indicate the presence of peroxisomes in a cell fraction? A. Acid hydrolases B. Actin C. Catalase D. Cytochrome C E. Nucleic acid 2. Which of the following moves towards the plus end of microtubules? A. Myosin II B. Kinesin C. Arp2/3 complex D. Dynein E. Colchicine 3. Which of the following is not a component of the extracellular matrix? A. Collagen B. Fibroblasts ...
  • $15.98
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