PHI 105 Fallacies quiz

Grand Canyon University

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PHI 105 Fallacies quiz (correct answer is highlighted)
  • PHI 105 Fallacies quiz (correct answer is highlighted)

  • Examen • 3 páginas • 2021
  • 1. “There are two types of students- the student that works really hard and does well and the student that does nothing and fails.” a. Either/Or Fallacy b. Slippery Slope c. Extravagant Hypothesis d. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc 2. Robert made his first purchase on ebay and the package did not arrive on time. Robert says he will not purchase another product on ebay because they never arrive on time. a. Appeal to Ignorance b. Appeal to Tradition c. The Fallacy of Composition d. Hasty ...
  • $12.99
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