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Chapter 33: The Preschooler and Family Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 6th Edition

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1. Which accomplishment would the nurse expect of a healthy 3-year-old child? a. Jump rope b. Ride a two-wheel bicycle c. Skip on alternate feet d. Balance on one foot for a few seconds - CORRECT ANSWERS ANS: D Three year olds are able to accomplish the gross motor skill of balancing on one foot. Jumping rope, riding a two-wheel bike, and skipping on alternate feet are gross motor skills of 5-year-old children. 1. Which play patterns does a 3-year-old child typically display? (Select a...

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  •  • 8 páginas • 
  • por smartdove • 
  • subido  09-06-2024
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Chapter 32: The Toddler and Family Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 6th Edition

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1. Which are characteristics of the physical development of a 30-month-old child? (Select all that apply.) a. Birth weight has doubled. b. Primary dentition is complete. c. Sphincter control is achieved. d. Anterior fontanel is open. e. Length from birth is doubled. - CORRECT ANSWERS ANS: B, C Usually by age 30 months, the primary dentition of 20 teeth is completed, and the child has sphincter control in preparation for bowel and bladder control. A doubling of birth weight, opening o...

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  •  • 22 páginas • 
  • por smartdove • 
  • subido  09-06-2024
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Chapter 31: The Infant and Family Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 6th Edition

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1. A mother tells the nurse that she is discontinuing breastfeeding her 5-month-old infant. What should the nurse recommend to be used as substitute for the breastmilk? a. Skim milk b. Whole cow's milk c. Commercial iron-fortified formula d. Commercial formula without iron - ANS: C For children younger than 1 year, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of breast milk. If breastfeeding has been discontinued, iron-fortified commercial formula should be used. Cow's milk...

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  •  • 12 páginas • 
  • por smartdove • 
  • subido  09-06-2024
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Chapter 25: The Child with Renal Dysfunction

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A 12-year-old child is injured in a bicycle accident. When considering the possibility of renal trauma, the nurse should consider what factor? a. Flank pain rarely occurs in children with renal injuries. b. Few nonpenetrating injuries cause renal trauma in children. c. Kidneys are immobile, well protected, and rarely injured in children. d. The amount of hematuria is not a reliable indicator of the seriousness of renal injury. - ANS: D Hematuria is consistently present with renal tra...

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  •  • 34 páginas • 
  • por smartdove • 
  • subido  09-06-2024
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