Spanish 150 201

Grand Valley State University

Aquí están los mejores recursos para pasar Spanish 150 201. Encuentra Spanish 150 201 guías de estudio, notas, tareas, y mucho más.

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Spanish Grammar Portfolio Spanish Grammar Portfolio
  • Spanish Grammar Portfolio

  • Study guide • 32 páginas • 2019
  • Portfolio of grammar for basic understanding of Spanish reading/writing. Includes common -ar/-er/-ir verbs and some vocabulary. Explains irregular verbs in different tenses and their conjugation as well as the use of reflexive verbs. Pronoun placement. Shows grammatical structure of different tenses including present progressive, regular preterit, imperfect, irregular preterit, future, conditional, present, and when to use which. Explains the structure and use of formal and informal commands. Al...
  • 5,21 €
  • + aprende más y mejor