Statistics and Data Analysis
IE University
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Statistics and Data Analysis (in Collab) final exam notes
- Notas de lectura • 28 páginas • 2023
- 10,49 €
- 1x vendido
- + aprende más y mejor
Statistics uses mathematical tools to organize and summarize data obtained from the real world and draw conclusions from a correct interpretation of these data. In the business world, statistics can help assess the attractiveness of a business opportunity, increase customer satisfaction, choose between different investment possibilities, analyze and improve production processes, etc.

Students following this course learn how to define the data required in different situations characterized by ...
Notas de lectura
Statistics and Data Analysis (in Collab) final exam notes
Última actualización de este documento:
Statistics uses mathematical tools to organize and summarize data obtained from the real world and draw conclusions from a correct interpretation of these data. In the business world, statistics can help assess the attractiveness of a business opportunity, increase customer satisfaction, choose between different investment possibilities, analyze and improve production processes, etc. 
Students following this course learn how to define the data required in different situations characterized by ...
10,49 €
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¿Estrés por los estudios? Para los vendedores en Stuvia, estos son tiempos de oro. ¡KA-CHING! Gana también con tus resúmenes y empieza a subirlos ya. Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia