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Resúmenes más recientes de Wyatt and Dashwood\'s European Union Law

EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 6: Legal review III, Fundamental rights and principles EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 6: Legal review III, Fundamental rights and principles
  • EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 6: Legal review III, Fundamental rights and principles

  • Resumen • 12 páginas • 2020
  • In this document you will find the summaries of readings Week XX of the course EU Law I: EU Institutional Law. This includes: - Wyatt and Dashwood - Direct Action Before the Union Courts (pp. 182-199) - Wyatt and Dashwood - Part III: Constitutional Fundamentals - Fundamental Rights (pp. 337-358) and The Charter of Fundamental Rights (pp. 359-388)
  • 4,99 €
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EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 5: Legal protection II EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 5: Legal protection II
  • EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 5: Legal protection II

  • Resumen • 11 páginas • 2020
  • In this document you will find the summaries of readings Week XX of the course EU Law I: EU Institutional Law. This includes: - Wyatt and Dashwood – Direct Actions Before the Union Courts (pp.135-205)
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EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 4: Legal effect II (Case law on direct & indirect effect, state liability) and legal protection I EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 4: Legal effect II (Case law on direct & indirect effect, state liability) and legal protection I
  • EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 4: Legal effect II (Case law on direct & indirect effect, state liability) and legal protection I

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2020
  • In this document you will find the summaries of readings Week 4 of the course EU Law I: EU Institutional Law. This includes: - Wyatt and Dashwood – References for Preliminary Rulings (pp. 209-230)
  • 4,99 €
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EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 3: EU legal system – Union law-making, legal sources and legal effect EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 3: EU legal system – Union law-making, legal sources and legal effect
  • EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 3: EU legal system – Union law-making, legal sources and legal effect

  • Resumen • 12 páginas • 2020
  • In this document you will find the summaries of readings Week XX of the course EU Law I: EU Institutional Law. This includes: - Wyatt and Dashwood - PART II: INSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTALS: The Union’s Decision-making Procedures (pp.69-96); - Wyatt and Dashwood – PART III: CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTALS (pp.235-319). - Wyatt and Dashwood (pp. 321-328)
  • 4,99 €
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EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 2: EU legal system – Institutions and how competences are exercised EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 2: EU legal system – Institutions and how competences are exercised
  • EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 2: EU legal system – Institutions and how competences are exercised

  • Resumen • 8 páginas • 2020
  • In this document you will find the summaries of readings Week 2 of the course EU Law I: EU Institutional Law. This includes: - Wyatt and Dashwood - PART II: INSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTALS; The Institutions of the European Union (pp.41-68); and The System of Union Competences (pp. 97-114) - Tobler and Beglinger Chapters 3 and 4; - And the corresponding case law
  • 4,99 €
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EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 1: Introduction to Law and EU law: From Rome to Lisbon EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 1: Introduction to Law and EU law: From Rome to Lisbon
  • EU Law I - Institutional Law: Week 1: Introduction to Law and EU law: From Rome to Lisbon

  • Resumen • 7 páginas • 2020
  • In this document you will find the summaries of readings Week XX of the course EU Law I: EU Institutional Law. This includes: - Wyat and Dashwood - PArt I: Introduction (pp. 3-37)
  • 4,99 €
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