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Social Psychology and Human Nature Resúmenes (1.º edición)

Roy F. Baumeister, Brad Bushman - ISBN: 9781305673540

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Ver todos los 9 resúmenes de Social Psychology and Human Nature, escritos por Roy F. Baumeister, Brad Bushman. Los resúmenes de Social Psychology and Human Nature en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Social Psychology and Human Nature

Summary Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior 0HV30
5,49 €
7x  vendido

This is a summary of the whole course Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior, 0HV30. It contains lecture notes and a complete summary of the book: Social Psychology and Human Nature by Baumeister and Bushman. The summary includes chapter 1-14. NB: After learning this summary, I passed the course with a 6.2 for the final examination.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 39 páginas • 
  • por maritysm • 
  • subido  22-09-2019
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i x
Social Psychology Notes
4,32 €
4x  vendido

These are notes for PSYC 228 or Social Psychology. They are notes from the textbook used in the class.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 53 páginas • 
  • por megan2 • 
  • subido  16-03-2021
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i x
Book summary Social Psychology & Consumer Behavior
5,49 €
2x  vendido

Samenvatting voor het vak Social Psychology & Consumer Behavior van het boek Social Psychology and Human Nature door Baumeister. Bevat de hoofdstukken 1 - 14 (alles). Summary for the course Social Psychology & Consumer Behavior of the book Social Psychology and Human Nature by Baumeister. Contains the chapters 1 - 14 (every chapter).

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 25 páginas • 
  • por lauradelaat • 
  • subido  13-08-2018
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i x
Summary Chapter 3 The Self - Social Psychology and Consumer Behaviour (0HV30)
3,99 €
1x  vendido

Summary of chapter 3 (The Self) of Social psychology and human nature by Baumeister and Bushman. The order of the book is followed, and the summary is based on the key words of the book. There is a table of contents, which may prove useful when searching for certain topics in the summary. The entire chapter is covered in this summary. Tip: you can also buy my 'Bundel' of 0HV30; this will save you some money in the end!

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 18 páginas • 
  • por hildeeschx • 
  • subido  01-01-2019
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i x
Summary Chapter 5 - Social Cognition
3,99 €

Summary of chapter 5 (Social Cognition) of Social psychology and human nature by Baumeister and Bushman. The order of the book is followed, and the summary is based on the key words of the book. There is a table of contents, which may prove useful when searching for certain topics in the summary. The entire chapter is covered in this summary. Tip: you can also buy my 'Bundel' of 0HV30; this will save you some money in the end!

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por hildeeschx • 
  • subido  15-01-2019
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i x
Test Bank for Social Psychology and Human Nature 5/E Baumeister
6,25 €

Multiple Choice 1. In one of the first social psychological experiments ever conducted, researcher Norman Triplett examined the records of teams of cyclists. He found that cyclists who raced against each other ____ than those who raced alone (against the clock). a. were more aggressive after the race b. got into more accidents c. cycled more quickly d. enjoyed the race less ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: A Brief History of Social Psychology LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SOCP.BAUM...

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 66 páginas • 
  • por Studyprime • 
  • subido  12-10-2023
Vista rápida
i x
Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior Summary
5,69 €

Summary for the complete Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior course, including the pre-lecture videos. The first chapter is not fully complete, this one includes only notes on the pre-lecture video and some notes that were made during the lecture.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 94 páginas • 
  • por isabelveldhuizen • 
  • subido  14-01-2021
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i x

¿Tienes documentos que coincidan con este libro? ¡Véndelos y gana dinero con tu conocimiento!

Resúmenes más recientes de Social Psychology and Human Nature

Summary Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior 0HV30
5,49 €
7x  vendido

This is a summary of the whole course Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior, 0HV30. It contains lecture notes and a complete summary of the book: Social Psychology and Human Nature by Baumeister and Bushman. The summary includes chapter 1-14. NB: After learning this summary, I passed the course with a 6.2 for the final examination.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 39 páginas • 
  • por maritysm • 
  • subido  22-09-2019
Vista rápida
i x
Social Psychology Notes
4,32 €
4x  vendido

These are notes for PSYC 228 or Social Psychology. They are notes from the textbook used in the class.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 53 páginas • 
  • por megan2 • 
  • subido  16-03-2021
Vista rápida
i x
Book summary Social Psychology & Consumer Behavior
5,49 €
2x  vendido

Samenvatting voor het vak Social Psychology & Consumer Behavior van het boek Social Psychology and Human Nature door Baumeister. Bevat de hoofdstukken 1 - 14 (alles). Summary for the course Social Psychology & Consumer Behavior of the book Social Psychology and Human Nature by Baumeister. Contains the chapters 1 - 14 (every chapter).

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 25 páginas • 
  • por lauradelaat • 
  • subido  13-08-2018
Vista rápida
i x
Summary Chapter 3 The Self - Social Psychology and Consumer Behaviour (0HV30)
3,99 €
1x  vendido

Summary of chapter 3 (The Self) of Social psychology and human nature by Baumeister and Bushman. The order of the book is followed, and the summary is based on the key words of the book. There is a table of contents, which may prove useful when searching for certain topics in the summary. The entire chapter is covered in this summary. Tip: you can also buy my 'Bundel' of 0HV30; this will save you some money in the end!

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 18 páginas • 
  • por hildeeschx • 
  • subido  01-01-2019
Vista rápida
i x
Summary Chapter 5 - Social Cognition
3,99 €

Summary of chapter 5 (Social Cognition) of Social psychology and human nature by Baumeister and Bushman. The order of the book is followed, and the summary is based on the key words of the book. There is a table of contents, which may prove useful when searching for certain topics in the summary. The entire chapter is covered in this summary. Tip: you can also buy my 'Bundel' of 0HV30; this will save you some money in the end!

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por hildeeschx • 
  • subido  15-01-2019
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i x
Test Bank for Social Psychology and Human Nature 5/E Baumeister
6,25 €

Multiple Choice 1. In one of the first social psychological experiments ever conducted, researcher Norman Triplett examined the records of teams of cyclists. He found that cyclists who raced against each other ____ than those who raced alone (against the clock). a. were more aggressive after the race b. got into more accidents c. cycled more quickly d. enjoyed the race less ANSWER: c DIFFICULTY: Easy REFERENCES: A Brief History of Social Psychology LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SOCP.BAUM...

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 66 páginas • 
  • por Studyprime • 
  • subido  12-10-2023
Vista rápida
i x
Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior Summary
5,69 €

Summary for the complete Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior course, including the pre-lecture videos. The first chapter is not fully complete, this one includes only notes on the pre-lecture video and some notes that were made during the lecture.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 94 páginas • 
  • por isabelveldhuizen • 
  • subido  14-01-2021
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i x

¿Tienes documentos que coincidan con este libro? ¡Véndelos y gana dinero con tu conocimiento!

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Relevancia, eficiencia y conveniencia. Estos son elementos importantes al estudiar o prepararse para un curso o examen. Estudiar con la ayuda de resúmenes de libros, que están vinculados al número ISBN de su libro (de estudio), es más relevante que nunca. Tus compañeros de estudios o tutores comparten sus conocimientos contigo para ayudarte a prepararte para tus exámenes. Encuentre el número ISBN de su libro y asegúrese de comprar el resumen correcto. De esa manera, no se enfrentará a sorpresas durante sus exámenes.


Todos los resúmenes de Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes que ya han realizado el examen, profesores que enseñan el material de estudio o editores profesionales. Como resultado, puede estar seguro de que comprenderá el material del curso más fácilmente y de que el resumen contiene todos los elementos que se prueban en el examen. Encuentra el libro que necesitas estudiar por su ISBN y elige el mejor resumen de libro de texto.