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Organic Chemistry, Third Edition Resúmenes

Klein - ISBN: 9781119110477

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Ver todos los 5 resúmenes de Organic Chemistry, Third Edition, escritos por Klein. Los resúmenes de Organic Chemistry, Third Edition en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Organic Chemistry, Third Edition

Organic Chemistry I: Ch. 1 A Review of Gen Chem
7,21 €

Topics included in this set of notes include bonding patterns in organic chemistry, constitutional isomers, Lewis structures, formal charge, induction and covalent bonds, electronegativity, covalent bonds, hybridization, bond strength, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces (Hydrogen bonding, Dipole-Dipole interactions, London Dispersion forces), and solubility. My notes are always in a logical order and different colored pens are used to accentuate important words and topics. This makes what...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por taylorcabrera • 
  • subido  28-02-2018
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Organic Chemistry I: Ch. 2 Molecular Representation
7,21 €

Topics included in this set of notes include examples of different ways to represent molecules, functional groups, identifying lone pairs, three-dimensional structures, resonance, pattern recognition in resonance, relative significance / stability of resonance structures, and delocalized/localized lone pairs. My notes are always in a logical order and different colored pens are used to accentuate important words and topics. This makes what you're looking for easy to differentiate. I have nice pe...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por taylorcabrera • 
  • subido  28-02-2018
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Organic Chemistry I: Ch. 3 Acids and Bases
7,21 €

Topics included in this set of notes include the Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases, curved arrow notation, charts of pKa values, acid strength using pKa values, base strength using pKa values, predicting position of equilibrium, qualitative perspectives to determining relative acidity, levelling effect, solvating effect, and the Lewis Acid and Bases defintion. My notes are always in a logical order and different colored pens are used to accentuate important words and topics. This make...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por taylorcabrera • 
  • subido  28-02-2018
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Resúmenes más recientes de Organic Chemistry, Third Edition

Organic Chemistry I: Ch. 1 A Review of Gen Chem
7,21 €

Topics included in this set of notes include bonding patterns in organic chemistry, constitutional isomers, Lewis structures, formal charge, induction and covalent bonds, electronegativity, covalent bonds, hybridization, bond strength, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces (Hydrogen bonding, Dipole-Dipole interactions, London Dispersion forces), and solubility. My notes are always in a logical order and different colored pens are used to accentuate important words and topics. This makes what...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por taylorcabrera • 
  • subido  28-02-2018
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Organic Chemistry I: Ch. 2 Molecular Representation
7,21 €

Topics included in this set of notes include examples of different ways to represent molecules, functional groups, identifying lone pairs, three-dimensional structures, resonance, pattern recognition in resonance, relative significance / stability of resonance structures, and delocalized/localized lone pairs. My notes are always in a logical order and different colored pens are used to accentuate important words and topics. This makes what you're looking for easy to differentiate. I have nice pe...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por taylorcabrera • 
  • subido  28-02-2018
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Organic Chemistry I: Ch. 3 Acids and Bases
7,21 €

Topics included in this set of notes include the Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases, curved arrow notation, charts of pKa values, acid strength using pKa values, base strength using pKa values, predicting position of equilibrium, qualitative perspectives to determining relative acidity, levelling effect, solvating effect, and the Lewis Acid and Bases defintion. My notes are always in a logical order and different colored pens are used to accentuate important words and topics. This make...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por taylorcabrera • 
  • subido  28-02-2018
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