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Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: Pearson International Edition Resúmenes (6.º edición)

Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen - ISBN: 9781292020037

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Ver todos los 5 resúmenes de Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: Pearson International Edition, escritos por Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen. Los resúmenes de Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: Pearson International Edition en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: Pearson International Edition

Summary Marketing for hospitality and tourism - Kotler 6th/7th edition
7,99 €
54x  vendido

Extensive summary with a clear overview. Includes visualized models and term descriptions.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 35 páginas • 
  • por Geoffreyvdvet • 
  • subido  02-05-2017
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i x
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism chapter 1,2,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,16
5,49 €
15x  vendido

Summary of the book Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, it is not a summary of the entire book but of the following chapters: 1,2,6,8,9,10,12,13,14 and 16. When I didn't understand the summary in the book completely I added some more information so this summary is a combination of the original summary and additional information and also some information I received during classes. I passed the exam the first try!

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 28 páginas • 
  • por larissae • 
  • subido  06-04-2016
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i x
Summary Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, by Kotler
5,99 €
9x  vendido

This extensive, but simply written summary of the book Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (CH1 to 16) will lead you through the topics in a logical way and will help you to understand the topics being discussed. The summary is filled with illustrations that clarify the theories and models per chapter. The stars resemble sections that will definitely be examined. By reading this summary only, there is no need to read the book in order for you to pass the exam. Wish you the best of luck! * The...

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 39 páginas • 
  • por Geoffreyvdvet • 
  • subido  15-01-2019
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i x
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler
3,49 €
6x  vendido

This is a summary of the book Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism from Kotler. This summary contains chapter 1 till 16 (excluding chapter 10 & 15.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 23 páginas • 
  • por MarlonBroek • 
  • subido  30-03-2018
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i x
Topics and questions asked during exam - Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, by Kotler
3,99 €

The topics and questions (with the right answers) that are written in this file were literally asked during the Marketing exam (for Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism). The info is really useful as it helps you to understand how the questions in your exam will be formulated. By reading through this file you will find out which topics are definitely examined. Good luck !

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por Geoffreyvdvet • 
  • subido  15-01-2019
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i x

¿Tienes documentos que coincidan con este libro? ¡Véndelos y gana dinero con tu conocimiento!

Resúmenes más recientes de Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: Pearson International Edition

Summary Marketing for hospitality and tourism - Kotler 6th/7th edition
7,99 €
54x  vendido

Extensive summary with a clear overview. Includes visualized models and term descriptions.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 35 páginas • 
  • por Geoffreyvdvet • 
  • subido  02-05-2017
Vista rápida
i x
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism chapter 1,2,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,16
5,49 €
15x  vendido

Summary of the book Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, it is not a summary of the entire book but of the following chapters: 1,2,6,8,9,10,12,13,14 and 16. When I didn't understand the summary in the book completely I added some more information so this summary is a combination of the original summary and additional information and also some information I received during classes. I passed the exam the first try!

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 28 páginas • 
  • por larissae • 
  • subido  06-04-2016
Vista rápida
i x
Summary Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, by Kotler
5,99 €
9x  vendido

This extensive, but simply written summary of the book Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (CH1 to 16) will lead you through the topics in a logical way and will help you to understand the topics being discussed. The summary is filled with illustrations that clarify the theories and models per chapter. The stars resemble sections that will definitely be examined. By reading this summary only, there is no need to read the book in order for you to pass the exam. Wish you the best of luck! * The...

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 39 páginas • 
  • por Geoffreyvdvet • 
  • subido  15-01-2019
Vista rápida
i x
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Kotler
3,49 €
6x  vendido

This is a summary of the book Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism from Kotler. This summary contains chapter 1 till 16 (excluding chapter 10 & 15.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 23 páginas • 
  • por MarlonBroek • 
  • subido  30-03-2018
Vista rápida
i x
Topics and questions asked during exam - Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, by Kotler
3,99 €

The topics and questions (with the right answers) that are written in this file were literally asked during the Marketing exam (for Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism). The info is really useful as it helps you to understand how the questions in your exam will be formulated. By reading through this file you will find out which topics are definitely examined. Good luck !

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Examen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por Geoffreyvdvet • 
  • subido  15-01-2019
Vista rápida
i x

¿Tienes documentos que coincidan con este libro? ¡Véndelos y gana dinero con tu conocimiento!

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Relevancia, eficiencia y conveniencia. Estos son elementos importantes al estudiar o prepararse para un curso o examen. Estudiar con la ayuda de resúmenes de libros, que están vinculados al número ISBN de su libro (de estudio), es más relevante que nunca. Tus compañeros de estudios o tutores comparten sus conocimientos contigo para ayudarte a prepararte para tus exámenes. Encuentre el número ISBN de su libro y asegúrese de comprar el resumen correcto. De esa manera, no se enfrentará a sorpresas durante sus exámenes.


Todos los resúmenes de Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes que ya han realizado el examen, profesores que enseñan el material de estudio o editores profesionales. Como resultado, puede estar seguro de que comprenderá el material del curso más fácilmente y de que el resumen contiene todos los elementos que se prueban en el examen. Encuentra el libro que necesitas estudiar por su ISBN y elige el mejor resumen de libro de texto.