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Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3 Resúmenes (1.º edición)

Alison Gundy - ISBN: 9781447985433

Ver todos los 3 resúmenes de Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3, escritos por Alison Gundy. Los resúmenes de Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3 en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3

How far do you agree that Kett’s rebellion was driven by the rebels’ desire for better local government?
4,81 €
21x  vendido

Edexcel History A Level Exam on the Tudors between 1485-1603 How far do you agree that Kett’s rebellion was driven by the rebels’ desire for better local government?

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por emiliegibbs123 • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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NOTES FOR WHOLE UNIT - 37 PAGES - Rebellion & disorder under the Tudors 1485 - 1603 - Paper 3 - A Level History
25,93 €
15x  vendido

Full 37 page document for A-Level history containing notes for all of the topics within Paper 3, option 31, Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603. Includes.. Aspects in breath; 1. Changes in governance at the centre, 2. Gaining co-operation of the localities Aspects in depth; 3. challenging the succession 1485-99, 4. Challenging religious changes 1533-37, 5. Agrarian discontent: Kett's rebellion 1549, 6. The Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569, 7. Troublesome Ireland: Tyrone's Rebell...

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  • Resumen
  •  • 37 páginas • 
  • por lauren2323 • 
  • subido  18-06-2018
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Assess the value of Source 9 for revealing the extent of the threat of the Northern Rising to Elizabeth’s position on the throne and the approaches of her government to dealing with this threat.
4,21 €
9x  vendido

Edexcel History A Level exam question, Rebellions and Disorder, Tudors Assess the value of Source 9 for revealing the extent of the threat of the Northern Rising to Elizabeth’s position on the throne and the approaches of her government to dealing with this threat.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por emiliegibbs123 • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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Resúmenes más recientes de Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3

How far do you agree that Kett’s rebellion was driven by the rebels’ desire for better local government?
4,81 €
21x  vendido

Edexcel History A Level Exam on the Tudors between 1485-1603 How far do you agree that Kett’s rebellion was driven by the rebels’ desire for better local government?

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por emiliegibbs123 • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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NOTES FOR WHOLE UNIT - 37 PAGES - Rebellion & disorder under the Tudors 1485 - 1603 - Paper 3 - A Level History
25,93 €
15x  vendido

Full 37 page document for A-Level history containing notes for all of the topics within Paper 3, option 31, Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603. Includes.. Aspects in breath; 1. Changes in governance at the centre, 2. Gaining co-operation of the localities Aspects in depth; 3. challenging the succession 1485-99, 4. Challenging religious changes 1533-37, 5. Agrarian discontent: Kett's rebellion 1549, 6. The Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569, 7. Troublesome Ireland: Tyrone's Rebell...

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  • Resumen
  •  • 37 páginas • 
  • por lauren2323 • 
  • subido  18-06-2018
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Assess the value of Source 9 for revealing the extent of the threat of the Northern Rising to Elizabeth’s position on the throne and the approaches of her government to dealing with this threat.
4,21 €
9x  vendido

Edexcel History A Level exam question, Rebellions and Disorder, Tudors Assess the value of Source 9 for revealing the extent of the threat of the Northern Rising to Elizabeth’s position on the throne and the approaches of her government to dealing with this threat.

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  • Ensayo
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por emiliegibbs123 • 
  • subido  17-06-2017
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