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Resúmenes más recientes de African Politics and Society

Politics and Society in Africa (Unplugged II), final exam notes
- Notas de lectura • 33 páginas • 2023
- 10,49 €
- + aprende más y mejor
Africa is a vast, diverse and complex continent made up of 55 countries. From Colonial times, the continent has been continuously experiencing changing patterns of politics and society. The objective of this course is to offer a broad-based understanding of how African political thought and political structures have been moulding political regimes and society of the continent. Beyond politics, particular focus will also be paid to economic growth, the role of women, youth, religion and mass medi...
Notas de lectura
Politics and Society in Africa (Unplugged II), final exam notes
Última actualización de este documento:
Africa is a vast, diverse and complex continent made up of 55 countries. From Colonial times, the continent has been continuously experiencing changing patterns of politics and society. The objective of this course is to offer a broad-based understanding of how African political thought and political structures have been moulding political regimes and society of the continent. Beyond politics, particular focus will also be paid to economic growth, the role of women, youth, religion and mass medi...
10,49 €
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