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2 artículos

EDGT Test 1: Antidepressants (test 2)

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EDGT Test 1: Antidepressants (test 2) Which of the following statements BEST explains the therapeutic effect of the antidepressants? - ANSWER In general the antidepressant drugs allow for more serotonin to remain in the synapses between the brain neurons Which of the following types of antidepressants would be the BEST choice for Ms Snyder, an 85-year-old experiencing symptoms of major depression? - ANSWER SSRIs Homer Miller, 75-years-old has just returned from surgery. He has bee...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  23-04-2024
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