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10 artículos

DAANCE- Module 3- Anesthetic Drugs & Techniques

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DAANCE- Module 3- Anesthetic Drugs & Techniques Brevital (Sodium Methohexital) - ANSWER Primary anesthetic agent introduced in the 1960's. Balanced Anesthesia - ANSWER Use of several agents together Basic Requisites of an Anesthetic - ANSWER Lack of toxicity, non-flammable, nonaddictive, minimal allergenicity. Analgesia - ANSWER Given to feel no pain (ex: Fentanyl and Local) Amnesia - ANSWER Benzodiazepines (ex: Versed) Relaxation & Immobility - ANSWER Versed, Propofol (Diprivan), B...

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  • Examen
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE: scenarios

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DAANCE: scenarios airway obstruction - ANSWER 100% O2 via nasal mask; put patient in Trendellenburg position; retract tongue ( hemostat, suture or tongue forcep); suction oropharynx; if tongue still occludes airway, insert nasopharyngeal/ oral airway- advanced airway if necessary foreign bodies - ANSWER Digital removal of object ONLY IF WELL VISULAIZED; Chest compressions if no airflow, in supine position; attempt direct laryngoscopy (macgill forceps) for visualization and removal of o...

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  • Examen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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Daance module 2

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Daance module 2 Dysuria - ANSWER Painful urination Polyuria - ANSWER Frequent urination Hematuria - ANSWER Blood in the urine How long should a patient refrain from eating or drinking prior to surgery? - ANSWER Six hours ASA - ANSWER American Society of anesthesiologist Class one risk - ANSWER Patient has no organic physiological biochemical or psychiatric disturbances that should prevent them from having their operation done outpatient Class II - ANSWER Patient has mild to moderate...

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  • Examen
  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE Module 1- Basic Sciences

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DAANCE Module 1- Basic Sciences neurons do what - ANSWER conduct nerve impulses what is the synapse - ANSWER junction between two neurons what makes up the central nervous system - ANSWER brain and spinal cord what three parts make up the brain - ANSWER cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata what makes up the peripheral nervous system - ANSWER sensory nerves and motor nerves How many cranial nerves are there - ANSWER 12 what nerve is the trigeminal nerve - ANSWER 5 what parts does ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE Exam Wave of Depolarization - ANSWER an advancing wave of charge reversal as the nerve impulse advance a long the neuron Wakefullness system - ANSWER consists of a central core in the brainstem with neurons that radiate to the cortex Vomiting Center - ANSWER the center in the brainstem that induces vomiting Vital Centers - ANSWER centers in the brainstem that control such physiologic processes as blood pressure and pulse, depth and rate of respiration Vestibular nerve - ANSWER ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE EXAM ANESTHESIA EQUIPMENT Determines the rate that the nitrous and oxygen mixture is delivered - ANSWER Flow meter Nitrous and oxygen are measured in - ANSWER Liters per minute An alarm sounds if the oxygen delivered to patient is less than - ANSWER 20% What measures the amount of oxygen delivered to the patient - ANSWER Oxygen analyzer Where is the oxygen analyzer placed - ANSWER Inflow limb of the circuit Facilitates conversion of liquid anesthetic agent to gas - ANSWER Va...

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  • Examen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE: all modules

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DAANCE: all modules Pulmonary artery - ANSWER One of two arteries that carry venous (oxygen poor) blood from heart to lungs What type of intubation is preferred with emesis with aspiration? - ANSWER ETT. LMA or combitube acceptable. What emergency would a cricothyrotomy typically be performed? - ANSWER Airway obstruction Atropine would be given in which emergency? - ANSWER Symptomatic bradycardia Adenosine would be given in which emergency? - ANSWER SVT Amiodarone would be given in w...

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  • Examen
  •  • 20 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE 2023//2024

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DAANCE 2023//2024 The T wave on a cardiac monitor tracing is evidence of what change in polarization Repolarization of the ventricles What anatomical surface located at the top of the larynx closes the airway and prevents foreign bodies from entering the trachea? Epiglottis Which of the following structures is most likely to cause obstruction of the airway when an anesthetized patient is lying in a supine postion? Tongue Blood is pumped to the lungs from the heart through which of the...

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  • Examen
  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE 2023//2024

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DAANCE 2023//2024 The "T" wave on an ECG tracing is evidence of what change in polarization? - ANSWER Repolarization of the ventricles What anatomical structure located at the top of the larynx closes the airway and prevents foreign bodies from entering the trachea? - ANSWER The epiglottis Which structure is most likely to cause obstruction of the airway when an anesthetized patient is lying in a supine position? - ANSWER The tongue What is the "supine" position? - ANSWER Pt laying...

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  • Examen
  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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DAANCE- Module 5- Office Anesthesia Emergencies

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DAANCE- Module 5- Office Anesthesia Emergencies Mallampti Classification - ANSWER Visual analysis of the oral/oropharyngeal anatomy Mallampti Class I - ANSWER Visualization of the soft palate, fauces, uvula, anterior and posterior pillars Mallampti Class II - ANSWER Visualization of the soft palate, fauces, and uvula Mallampti Class III - ANSWER Visualization of the soft palate and the base of the uvula Mallampti Class IV - ANSWER Soft palate is not visible at all. Signs of Airway O...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por smartscoress • 
  • subido  17-04-2024
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