PSY 1001 (PSY 1001)

Rasmussen College

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 Study guide to Exam 2: Topics are Consciousness, Learning, Memory and Cognitive Rasmussen collage
  • Study guide to Exam 2: Topics are Consciousness, Learning, Memory and Cognitive Rasmussen collage

  • Overig • 11 pagina's • 2020
  • Study guide to Exam 2: Topics are Consciousness, Learning, Memory and Cognitive Rasmussen collage Chapter 5: Consciousness • Describe changes in brain wave frequency and amplitude as one cycles through stages 1-4 of the sleep cycle. • What are the features of REM sleep? • What is lucid dreaming? • Describe the symptoms of insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, night terrors and sleepwalking. • What is the effect of a stimulant, and what drugs are considered ...
  • $8.49
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