NURS 301

Florida International University

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NURS 301  Fundamentals-of-Nursing-study 1---[Viable 2020/2021]
  • NURS 301 Fundamentals-of-Nursing-study 1---[Viable 2020/2021]

  • Study guide • 16 páginas • 2020
  • NURS 301 Fundamentals-of-Nursing-study1 Answers on the last page 1. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross identified five stages of death and dying. Loss, grief, and intense sadness are symptoms of which stage? a. Denial and isolation b. Depression c. Anger d. Bargaining RATIONALE: According to Kübhler-Ross, the five stages of death and dying are denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In denial, the client denies aspects of the illness and death. Loss, grief, and intense s...
  • $21.49
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