Filtratie Study guides, Class notes & Summaries

Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Filtratie? On this page you'll find 2 study documents about Filtratie.

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Samenvatting  tactisch  inkoopproces en eprocurement  1 / 23
  • Samenvatting tactisch inkoopproces en eprocurement 1 / 23

  • Exam (elaborations) • 123 pages • 2024
  • Samenvatting tactisch inkoopproces en eprocurement 1 / 23 1. Nierfunctie: - Regulatie van extracellulair vochtvolume en bloeddruk - Regulatie van osmolariteit - Behoud van ionenbalans - Homeostatische regulatie van de pH - Uitscheiding van afvalstoffen - Aanmaak van hormonen De nieren zelf zijn geen endocriene klieren, maar spelen wel een belangrijke rolin drie endocriene pathways. De nieren maken *erythropoietine* aan, wat een cytokine/hormoon is dat de synthese van rode bloed...
  • $10.09
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Lecture 3 waste water treatment.   1.1 Introduction To remove contaminants from waste water there are three mechanisms 1 . Physical Mainly physical properties like  Screening  Sedimentation  Floatation  Filtration 2. Chemical  Chemical properties like
  • Lecture 3 waste water treatment. 1.1 Introduction To remove contaminants from waste water there are three mechanisms 1 . Physical Mainly physical properties like  Screening  Sedimentation  Floatation  Filtration 2. Chemical Chemical properties like

  • Exam (elaborations) • 149 pages • 2022
  • 1.1 Introduction To remove contaminants from waste water there are three mechanisms 1 . Physical Mainly physical properties like  Screening  Sedimentation  Floatation  Filtration 2. Chemical Chemical properties like  Precipitation  Coagulation  Disinfection A.B@JiT 2 Cont’d 3. Biological The biological includes  Biological filtration Activated sludge Combination of physical and chemical process Air striping Carbon adsorption Oxidation ...
  • $12.99
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