Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB)
Latest uploads at Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB). Looking for notes at Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
Majors at Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB)
Notes available for the following studies at Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB)
Accounting Administration 10
Bachelor in de vroedkunde 37
Bachelor Kleuteronderwijs 14
Bachelor Lager Onderwijs 12
Bachelor lichamelijke opvoeding 1
Biomedische laboratoriumtechnologie 51
Boekhouden Advanced 1
Communicatiemanagement 10
Digx Informatica 2
Forensisch onderzoek 1
Hotelmanagement 33
Idea and Innovation Management 18
Journalistiek 2
Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur 3
Leerkracht Lager Onderwijs 3
Leerkracht Secundair Onderwijs 2
Lichamelijke opvoeding & bewegingsrecreatie 4
Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingsrecreatie 2
Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening 3
Marketing en communicatiesupport 3
Marketing Management 1
Multec 3
Multimedia & Communicatie technologie 2
Multimedia & Creatieve Technologie 1
Office Management 1
Pedagogie Van Het Jonge Kind 37
Sociaal werk 24
Toerisme- en recreatiemanagement 22
Verpleegkunde 115
Verpleegkundige 4
Voedings En Dieetkunde 28
Voedings- en dieetkunde 61
Popular books Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB)

Merkloos • ISBN 9789036811453

Anke Leibbrandt, Lieve Pensaert • ISBN 9789089538239

Karel Bruggemans, Yvette Herzog • ISBN 9789045555713

Jos Speybrouck • ISBN 9789038223483

Inge van Rijn • ISBN 9789036829021

Margot Meeuwig, Tienke Van Der Werf • ISBN 9789085603566

Jan van Hoe, Christel Lammens • ISBN 9789401411004
Latest notes & summaries Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EHB)

6parts about the human resources in the hospitality industry. Gegeven door meneer Rasson
- Summary
- • 63 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Human Resource Management
Preview 4 out of 63 pages
6parts about the human resources in the hospitality industry. Gegeven door meneer Rasson

HRM + Exam Questions Summary 2021 and 2022!! 
Box given by V. Gabriël 
Academic year 2021-2022 

- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Human Resource Management
Preview 8 out of 58 pages
HRM + Exam Questions Summary 2021 and 2022!! 
Box given by V. Gabriël 
Academic year 2021-2022 

Summary HOTS 
Academic year 2021-2022 
Summary contains both theory and exercises of all four modules: 
- Strategy (20 points) 
-Finance (30 points) 
-HRM (20 points) 
- Marketing (30 points) 
The following exercises are NOT included in this summary: variance analysis, marketing and revenue analysis, competitor analysis 
Knowing all the theory, CVP analysis, ratio's and staff calculations guarantees you to pass your exam ! 

- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•HOTS
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
Summary HOTS 
Academic year 2021-2022 
Summary contains both theory and exercises of all four modules: 
- Strategy (20 points) 
-Finance (30 points) 
-HRM (20 points) 
- Marketing (30 points) 
The following exercises are NOT included in this summary: variance analysis, marketing and revenue analysis, competitor analysis 
Knowing all the theory, CVP analysis, ratio's and staff calculations guarantees you to pass your exam ! 

Summary of the course strategic future orientation, this summary covers all the concepts discussed, ideal for the open book exam but also to base yourself on when writing the task and creating the future-related assignment.
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Research: Strategic Future Orientation
Preview 3 out of 17 pages
Summary of the course strategic future orientation, this summary covers all the concepts discussed, ideal for the open book exam but also to base yourself on when writing the task and creating the future-related assignment.

These are the review questions of each chapter + the answer to that.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 10 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Facility Management
Samenvatting + review questions and answers Facility Management• By juliekindermans
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
These are the review questions of each chapter + the answer to that.

A summary of the Facility management course. 2nd year hotel management. Will be taught in English
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 65 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Facility Management
Samenvatting + review questions and answers Facility Management• By juliekindermans
Preview 4 out of 65 pages
A summary of the Facility management course. 2nd year hotel management. Will be taught in English

This is a summary of the Meeting Industry course. Given in English/Dutch.
- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Meetings Industry
Preview 3 out of 20 pages
This is a summary of the Meeting Industry course. Given in English/Dutch.

Samenvatting Examen Facility Management EhB 
Examenresultaat eerste zit: 19/20 !!! 
Syllabus + powerpoints 
Academiejaar 2020-2021 - vak gegeven door Stéphanie Uytterhaegen 
Samenvatting is in het Engels
- Summary
- • 39 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Facility Management
Preview 4 out of 39 pages
Samenvatting Examen Facility Management EhB 
Examenresultaat eerste zit: 19/20 !!! 
Syllabus + powerpoints 
Academiejaar 2020-2021 - vak gegeven door Stéphanie Uytterhaegen 
Samenvatting is in het Engels

Guest lecture took place in the academic year 2020-2021 and is being re-organised every year. Content may vary slightly per year, but all the essentials are included in this summary. 
In the exam Rooms Division Management there were 4 questions about this guest lecture, including closed questions and multiple choice.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 5 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Rooms Division Management
Bundel: Samenvatting Examen Rooms Division Management EhB en notities gastcollege Etiquette Day• By studentehb
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
Guest lecture took place in the academic year 2020-2021 and is being re-organised every year. Content may vary slightly per year, but all the essentials are included in this summary. 
In the exam Rooms Division Management there were 4 questions about this guest lecture, including closed questions and multiple choice.

My score for this exam is 20/20 !!! 
Syllabus made by the school itself. It can not be found online. 
Summary contains chapters 1 to 5. Chapter 5 is the most important, an overview of all the important formulas can also be found in the summary. 
Chapter 6 (Night Audit) is self-study. It is not as important as the rest and is therefore not included in the summary. 
The course is given in English.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 57 pages's •
Erasmushogeschool Brussel•Rooms Division Management
Bundel: Samenvatting Examen Rooms Division Management EhB en notities gastcollege Etiquette Day• By studentehb
Preview 5 out of 57 pages
My score for this exam is 20/20 !!! 
Syllabus made by the school itself. It can not be found online. 
Summary contains chapters 1 to 5. Chapter 5 is the most important, an overview of all the important formulas can also be found in the summary. 
Chapter 6 (Night Audit) is self-study. It is not as important as the rest and is therefore not included in the summary. 
The course is given in English.