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Struggling with Die Pro ? This is just what you need. There are Afrikaans and English Translations to help and guide you through the novel. I looked everywhere for notes to assist my learners but there were very few notes and those notes were very expensive. I will be uploading the novel notes in p...

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Par: cheryldtrapani • 4 mois de cela

Invertebrata Dit is nou ons ruggraatlose dierevriende. Miljoene van Invertebrates These are now our spine-less animal friends. Millions of
die goed. stuff.
Protozoan: Cozy? No, just unicellular. Occurs everywhere. An example
Protozoa: Gesellig? Nee, net eensellig. Kom orals voor. Voorbeeld is old Amoeba. These creatures struggle to keep up with all the
is ou Amoeba. Dié wesens sukkel om vorm te hou met al die cytoplasm and cell nuclei they have to drag along. Reproduce using the
sitoplasma en selkerns wat hulle moet saamsleep.Vreet met die zip or zip method.
hele lyf. Plant voort met die ritssluiter- of zip-metode. Coelenterata (Cool in the water): The more cells, the more fun. The cool
ones are hollow from top to bottom. Anemone is the hippie of the
Coelenterata (Koel in die water): Hoe meer selle, hoe meer pret. group. Hydra is another artist. Has a footer and other tentacles. Save
Die koeles is hol van bo tot onder. Anemoon is die hippie van die bulbs to move. Facilitates live animals for dinner. Reproduce sexually
groepie. Hydra is 'n ander kunstenaar. Het 'n voetjie en ander and not as sexually.
tentakels. Slaan bollemakie sie om te beweeg. Ten takel lewende Platyhelminthes (Plates from Hell): Introduced by the vampire worm
diertjies vir ete. Plant geslagtig en nie so geslagtig voort nie. Taenia Solium (tapeworm). Bite with that torch and suck your bowels
empty. Head, body and no blood of his own. Reproduce by breaking
Platyhelminthes (Plattes uit die hel):Aangevoer deur die down unmarked pieces.
vampierwurm Taenia Solium (lintwurm). Byt vas met daardie
koppelkop en suig jou inge- wande leeg. Kop, lyf en geen bloed June 8
van sy eie. Plant voort deur ewe ongemerk stukkies af te breek. Can't believe I'm still trying to find Life Sciences funny today. Today it
annoys me boundless. That and this school accessory in the dark. There
8 Junie are many things I can take in the Cape, but this pitch dark is getting
Kan nie glo ek het nou die dag nog Lewenswetenskappe pro- beer
snaaks vind nie. Vandag irriteer dit my grensloos. Dit en hierdie really simple. Isn't there a way to set the time for the Western
skooltoeganery in die donker. Daar is baie dinge wat ek in die Kaap
Cape? It makes me crippled if I have to get into the bus through
kan vat, maar hierdie pikdonker maar opstaan
the rain in the dark and three-quarters of the town is still sleeping.
If Mom just didn't itch to get out of Gauteng, we would probably still
be there. But Dad was so tired of all the moaning that we went
is regtig simpel. Is daar nie 'n manier waarop die tyd vir die
down here. Maybe it's time we retreat. I think I'm starting to get
Wes-Kaap aangeskuif kan word nie? Dit maak my lam as ek
extremely fat for this place now. Been to a movie just twice a year.
deur die reën in die stikdonker moet aansukkel bus toe en
What is here to do? Nothing nice to flip! I don't know how long the
driekwart van die dorp lê nog en slaap. As Ma net nie so
rugby will last, but I hope it is over soon. I am now quite fond of
gejeuk het om uit Gauteng weg te kom nie, was ons seker

, steeds daar. Maar Pa was naderhand Sou so moeg van al die splashing around in the mud. If the school did not compel you to
gekerm dat ons toe maar afgetrek het hierheen. Miskien word participate in a winter sport, I left the whole rugby game for a long
dit tyd dat ons weer terugtrek. Ek dink ek begin nou uiters dik time. I don't know how long I'm going to hold it! Just getting sicker
raak vir hierdie plek. Was hier- die hele jaar nog net twee every day for the place and the people and the sea and everything!
keer in 'n fliek. Wat is hier om te doen? Net mooi flippen niks! Maybe I should stop writing.
Hoe lank die rugby nog gaan aanhou, weet ek nie, maar ek
hoop dit is binnekort verby. Ek is nou behoorlik gatvol
daarvan om in die modder rond te ploeter. As die skool 'n
mens ook nie verplig het om aan 'n wintersport deel te neem
nie, het ek die hele rugbyspelery lankal gelos. Ek weet nie
hoe lank gaan ek dit nog uithou nie! Word net elke dag al hoe
meer siek vir die plek en die mense en die see en als!
Miskien moet ek liewer ophou skryf. Invertebrata (A few more)
Annelida: Our beloved Ertie earthworm. Built like a ballpoint pen,
but pulls a hall together like a traveling school. Ertie was both
Invertebrata (Nog 'n paar) beaten to save time. In essence, the creature is just a tunnel in a
Annelida: Ons geliefde Ertie erdwurm. Gebou soos 'n tunnel, Eating historical leaves like a vacuum cleaner. Has his own
blood and goes to the toilet regularly.
bolpuntpen, maar sleep 'n saal saam soos 'n reisende skool.
Ertie is sommer albei geslaete om tyd te spaar. Eintlik is die Reproduction: Two or less fumble together under a blanket. Baby
wese maar net 'n tonnel in 'n tonnel, Vreet historiese blare then deposited in cocoon somewhere. (Goodbye, fine, nice to
soos 'n stofsuier. Het sy eie bloed en gaan gereeld toilet toe. know you.)
Voortplanting:Twee of minder vroetel saam onder 'n Arthropoda (Aarg, look at the pota!): Arthropods. Walk around with
kombersie. Baba dan in kokonnetjie êrens gedeponeer. your own skeleton. In the Insecta class we look at Locusta the
(Totsiens, boet, gaaf om jou te ge- ken het.) grasshopper. Locusts has an exoskeleton, but as a teenager she
Arthropoda (Aarg, kyk die pota!): Geleedpotiges.Wandel rond frequently bursts out of his / her seams. It stops growing. (Mighty
met eie skelet. In die klas Insecta bekyk ons Locusta die me, stop the boredom! Treat yourself like an adult.) Have a head,
sprinkaan. Locusta het 'n eksoskelet, maar as tiener bars chest, legs, wings and abdomen. He can take a walk. a jump and

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