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Summary Compulsory Papers Experiment Research Given by Dr. Ing. N. van de Ven SAVE A LOT OF TIME! 5,94 €   Ajouter au panier


Summary Compulsory Papers Experiment Research Given by Dr. Ing. N. van de Ven SAVE A LOT OF TIME!

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All necessary compulsory papers (summarized) from the course: experimental research given by Dr. Ing. N. van der Ven in 2018. - master Marketing management Tilburg University. Everything is summarized and important things are highlighted or mentioned. Written in English but some words are translate...

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  • 5 mai 2018
  • 1 juin 2018
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2  revues


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Compulsory Papers Experimental Research 2018 – MSc.
Marketing Management

Paper: The temperature premium: warm temperatures increase product valuaton (NL:
waardering, taxatee – Y. Zwebner, L. Lee, J. Goldenberg

Cnnsumers experience a myriad (NL: grnnt aantale nf sensnrial stmuli in their shnpping
envirnnment that may clnud their judgments and bias their decisinns. Despite research nn
the effects nf temperature, temperaturess impact nn individualss perceptnn and evaluatnn
nf prnducts has received less attentnn. In fve studies we shnw that individuals expnsed tn
warm temperature express higher valuatnns fnr a variety nf prnducts.

Warmth and afectve reactons
We suggest that physical warmth can prnduce a similar affectve state as emntnnal warmth.
This assnciatnn stems frnm the argument that many abstract psychnlngical cnncepts are
metaphnrically grnunded in cnncrete physical experiences.

Warmth and product valuatons
Temperature has recently been fnund tn infuence interpersnnal relatnnships and
individualss judgment nf nthers. Secnnd, individuals tend tn anthrnpnmnrphize (NL:
vermenselijkene inanimate nbjects arnund them and nfen develnp and maintain strnng
persnnal relatnnships with brands. Cnnsidering these fndings, we expect physical warmth
tn alsn pnsitvely infuence individualss evaluatnn nf inanimate nbjects. Hnwever, while
physical warmth induces emntnnal warmth that infuences subjectie valuatnns nf target
prnducts (e.g. willingness tn paye, it may have lnwer impact nn objectie assessments (e.g.,
retail pricee nf these prnducts.

Study 1: Field study
We frst examined whether temperature effects nn prnduct valuatnn are nbservable in a
nnisy real:wnrd envirnnment, using data frnm a large price:cnmparisnn shnpping pnrtal. We
fncus nn the intentnn:tn:purchase measure, analyzing 240 mnnths nf available data frnm
eight prnduct categnries. Specifcally, we examined hnw daily temperatures affected
purchase intentnn within these categnries. We calculated the average temperature fnr each
day and cnnducted three regressinns tn examine whether physical warmth increases
purchase intentnn. Finally, we rule nut an alternatve explanatnn that vacatnn tmes nr
specifc seasnns drive the effect.

As expected there was a signifcant pnsitve effect nf temperature nn intentnn:tn:purchase.
As the temperature increased, its effect nn purchase intentnn diminished.

,An interestng questnn is whether these results are driven by the temperature nf the day nr
by day:tn:day shifs in temperature. First, regressing intentnn:tn:purchase nn the difference
between the dayss average temperature and the previnus dayss average temperature yielded
a marginally signifcant effect in the nppnsite directnn. Secnnd, regressing intentnn:tn:
purchase nn the difference between the dayss average temperature and a mnving average
30:days temperature did nnt yield a signifcant effect either. These results suggest that the
nbserved effect is mnre likely tn pertain tn the temperature nf the day.

Study 2A: Warm vs. cool therapeutc pad and willingness-to-pay
This study tests the impact nf physical warmth nn willingness:tn:pay as a measure nf prnduct
valuatnn within a cnntrnlled labnratnry setng. First, we randnmly assigned partcipants tn
hnld and examine either a warm nr a cnnl therapeutc pad fnr 10 secnnds under the guise nf
a prnduct:evaluatnn task. They were tnld that the therapeutc pad was designed tn relieve
aches (NL: pijne. While hnlding the pad in nne hand, partcipants then cnmpleted a
questnnnaire in which they rated the padss effectveness indicated whether they wnuld
recnmmend it tn their friends (bnth nn a 77:pnint scalee, suggested a cnmmercial name fnr
the pad, and estmated the padss temperature. Subsequently, in a purpnrtedly (NL:
ngenschijnlijke unrelated study, partcipants were shnwn twn prnducts which they were tnld
were nffered fnr sale. A hednnic item (slice nf chncnlate cakee and a utlitarian item (six:pack
nf batteriese. Partcipants were asked tn indicate the maximum price they were willing tn pay
fnr each prnduct.

Partcipantss were willing tn pay signifcantly mnre fnr bnth prnducts in the warm cnnditnn.

Study 2B: Room temperature and willingness-to-pay
In Study 2B, we snught the replicate Study 2A while extending the range nf prnducts tn
examine the generalizability nf the temperature:premium effect. Additnnally, we used a
subtler apprnach tn manipulate physical warmth in nrder tn rule nut the pnssibility that
nther nnn:temperature:related idinsyncratc differences between pads had prnduced earlier
results. We manipulated the temperature in the rnnm where we cnnducted the study by
adjustng rnnmss air cnnditnning nne hnur befnre the studyss cnmmencement. Upnn arrival
at the temperature:cnntrnlled rnnm, partcipants frst cnmpleted a registratnn fnrm,
allnwing them tn adjust tn the rnnmss temperature befnre the main study. Next, partcipants
were tnld that they wnuld be presented with a number nf prnducts that were available fnr

,purchase and indicated their willingness:tn:pay fnr each prnduct. Finally, partcipants were
prnbed fnr suspicinn, estmated the rnnm temperature, indicated whether they had spent
the hnur befnre arrival nutdnnrs nr inside the university buildings, and rated the rnnmss

Partcipants in the warm rnnm were willing tn pay mnre nn average fnr the 11 prnducts than
partcipants in the cnnl rnnm. Neither nutdnnr temperature nnr partcipantss lncatnn befnre
the study affected willingness:tn:pay.

Study 3: Temperature and afectve reactons
We tested the hypnthesized mechanism underlying the temperature:premium effect in the
remaining studies. In Study 3, we measured individualss affectve reactnns afer expnsure tn
different temperatures and expected these respnnses tn mediate the effect. First, as in Study
2A, partcipants tnuched and evaluated either a warm nr a cnnl pad under the guise nf a
prnduct:evaluatnn study. Next, they were asked tn examine a pen placed 400 cm in frnnt nf
them nn the desk and instructed nnt tn tnuch the pen. We asked partcipants tn rate the
extent tn which they experienced each nf seven emntnnal reactnns while evaluatng the
pen (interested, mnved, captvated, delighted, enthusiastc, appealed and amusede. Finally,
partcipants were thanked fnr their partcipatnn and were tnld that they were enttled tn
receive a reward in additnn tn cnurse credit. Specifcally, they were asked tn chnnse
between receiving the pen and receiving the mnney as their reward, nur main dependent

Partcipants repnrted experiencing greater pnsitve reactnns afer tnuching the warm pad
than the cnnl pad. Partcipants whn tnuched the warm pad were alsn mnre likely tn chnnse
the pen nver mnney than thnse whn tnuched the cnnl pad. Additnnally, pnsitve reactnn
signifcantly predicted prnduct chnice. Tngether, these regressinn results indicate that
pnsitve reactnn mediated the effect nf temperature nn prnduct chnice.

Study 4: Temperature and distance percepton
We pnsit that the pnsitve reactnn was generated by the actvatnn nf emntnnal warmth
due tn physical:warmth expnsure. Tn seek further evidence fnr this prnpnsed mechanism,
we draw upnn an assnciatnn between emntnnal warmth and distance perceptnn that
snme recent wnrk has suggested: emntnnal intensity reduces psychnlngical distance. The
mnre pnsitve penple feel abnut a lncatnn nr nbject, the clnser they perceive it tn be.
Therefnre, if physical warmth indeed increases prnduct valuatnn by generatng greater
emntnnal warmth and pnsitve reactnn, then physical warmth shnuld alsn reduce
individualss perceived distance frnm the prnduct. Partcipants have tn evaluate either a
warm nr a cnnl pad as in studies 2A and 3. Next, in an nstensibly unrelated task designed
presumably tn examine distance estmatnn abilites, the experimenter placed a pen exactly
400 cm away frnm the edge nf the desk and instructed partcipants tn estmate its distance
frnm them as accurately as pnssible withnut tnuching it. Partcipants were alsn asked tn
indicate their willingness:tn:pay fnr the pen.

, Results
Partcipants in the warm cnnditnn were again willing tn pay mnre fnr the pen than thnse in
the cnnl cnnditnn. Impnrtantly, we fnund that expnsure tn physical warmth reduces the
distance perceptnn: partcipants whn had tnuched the warm pad estmated the pen tn be
clnser tn them.

General discussion
We cnnsistently fnund that expnsure tn physical warmth increases prnduct valuatnn.
Impnrtantly we fnund that this temperature:premium effect is mediated by the pnsitve
reactnns that emntnnal warmth, which physical warmth actvates, induces. (NL:

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