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Summary GCSE Edexcel Early Elizabethan England - Full Notes 3,59 €   Ajouter au panier


Summary GCSE Edexcel Early Elizabethan England - Full Notes

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Handwritten notes from a grade 8-9 student in mind-map note form. Covers every topic in the Elizabeth section of GCSE History in a condensed form with key names, dates events etc.

Aperçu 3 sur 29  pages

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  • 20 juin 2021
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Questions d'entraînement disponibles

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Quelques exemples de cette série de questions pratiques


When was Elizabeth\'s coronation?

Réponse: 1558


Government on Elizabeth\'s accession: i) The role of the court ii) The role of the Privy Council

Réponse: i) noblemen who acted as advisers, displayed wealth, acted as friends, could also be members of privy council ii) nobility, monitored parliament, oversaw law and order and security, monitored Justices of the Peace, members chosen by monarch


Government on Elizabeth\'s accession: i) Role of Justices of the Peace ii) Role of Lord Lieutenants

Réponse: i) appointed by the government, large landowners, kept law and order locally, heard court cases ii) noblemen appointed by government, raised militia, governed English counties, often Privy Council members


Government on Elizabeth\'s accession: i) Role of parliament ii) Role of the monarch

Réponse: i) Passed laws and approved taxes. Could grant extraordinary taxation House of Commons was elected, but very few could vote. House of Lords were noblemen and bishops. ii) Could not pass laws without parliament\'s approval, could not raise taxes without parliament\'s agreement, could declare war and make peace, could call and dismiss parliament, could grant land, titles and jobs


Hierarchy in the countryside:

Réponse: Nobility > gentry > yeomen farmers > tenant farmers > landless and labouring poor > homeless and vagrants


Hierarchy in towns:

Réponse: Wealthy merchants > professionals > skilled business owners > craftsmen, skilled employees > unskilled labourers and the unemployed


Problems facing Elizabeth upon accession: financial weakness In 1558, the Crown was £_______ in debt, with an annual income of £ __________

Réponse: £300,000 £286,667


Problems facing Elizabeth upon accession: financial weakness Over £______ of crown debts was owed to the Antwerp Exchange, who charged at a high interest rate of ___

Réponse: £100,000 14%


Problems facing Elizabeth upon accession: financial weakness Mary Tudor had sold off __________ to pay for war with France, so income from rents was falling. Since the 1540s, the crown had debased coinage to make more money for wars against France, which resulted in ________

Réponse: crown lands inflation


Problems facing Elizabeth upon accession: The centuries old ______ _____ united France and Scotland against England.

Réponse: Auld Alliance

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