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Semester 1 : US Civilisation 10,49 €   Ajouter au panier


Semester 1 : US Civilisation

Ce groupage comporte 10 chapitres traitant du système politique américain depuis l'ère coloniale à nos jours. Il retrace les notions clés menant à la découverte ( ou à l'approfondissement ) de la vie politique américaine. Le programme complet de la 1ère année LLCER-Anglais est traité....

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11 éléments

Chapter 1 : The American Independence.


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FREE CHAPTER This chapter tackles the history of the American Independence from 1756 to 1783. Plan : I. The Causes of the Revolution II. The Escalation

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Chapter 2 : Building the US : from the Confederation to the Constitution


During the War , the thirteen colonies became thirteen states , each state wrote its own state constitution and each state created a government ( Rep ). The important missing thing was a National Constitution. Plan : I. The Articles of Confederation II. The Philadelphia Convention.

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Summary Chapter 3 : The US Constitution


Summary of the key notions and principles required for a better understanding of the US Constitution. Plan : A. Values of the Constitution B. The Structure of the Constitution C. The Founding Principles

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Chapter 4 : Amending the Constitution.


The US Constitution was written in the 18th century in a small republic of 4 million people. The constitution lasted 230 years and survived a Civil war, two World Wars , crises ... Problematic : How can the constitution develop without changing ? Plan : I. The Amendment Process II. The Bill ...

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Chapter 5 : The Legislative Branch : The US Congress.


The US Congress is considered to be the most powerful Legislative body in the world. It's the first Branch of Government and defined in Article 1. The Founding Fathers wanted the Congress ( and not the President ) to be the central policy-making body. They had a very strong suspission towards the E...

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Chapter 6 : The Executive Power


The Executive Branch is defined in article 2 of the constitution : "The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows: ...

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Chapter 7 : Voting and Elections


Elections are what create a Republic. They are an important ritual in a democracy, they make a president different from a king. They are directly connected to Federalism : everything that has to do with elections is controled by the states and not by the federal governmnt. There are two types of el...

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Chapter 8 : The Judicial Branch


It is the third and last branch of Government . It is defined in Article 3 of the Constitution. It is an un-elected branch. Its main role is to interpret the Constitution. The general attorney is the head of the justice department. In the US, there are three types of laws : - Constitutional - Comm...

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Chapter 9 : Federalism


It is one of the 5 founding principles in which the US Constitution rests. Though the term "federalism" is never mentionned in the Constitution. Plan : I. Reminders II. Different Types of Power III. The Evolution of Federalism

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Chapter 10 : Citizen Participants


This Chapter is only complementary and helps to acquire a better understanding of the US political system. Among its lines will be discussed : - Jury Trials - Interest Groups - Political Parties - Federalists - Anti-Federalists - Democrats - Republicans

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Correction Partiel Semestre 1


Correction du partiel : Why is the American Congress the most powerful Legislative Branch in the world ?

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