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Résumés les plus vendus pour The Psychology of Advertising

Psycholoy of Advertising - Extended summary of all Lectures Psycholoy of Advertising - Extended summary of all Lectures Très apprécié
  • Psycholoy of Advertising - Extended summary of all Lectures

  • Notes de cours • 29 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
  • Update: by only watching the lectures and studying this summary I got an 9.0 as grade. This is an extended summary of everything that is discussed during the 7 lectures of the course Psychology of Advertising. This includes the lectures of Dr. Gert-Jan Lelieveld, Ambra Brizi & the guest lecture of Trudelies van der Poel. During the last lecture Ambra Brizi stated the lectures will be the most important content of the exam. Everything that is discussed during the lectures is stated in this...
  • 7,48 €
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Derniers résumés de The Psychology of Advertising

Psycholoy of Advertising - Extended summary of all Lectures Psycholoy of Advertising - Extended summary of all Lectures Nouveau
  • Psycholoy of Advertising - Extended summary of all Lectures

  • Notes de cours • 29 pages • 2024 Nouveau
  • Update: by only watching the lectures and studying this summary I got an 9.0 as grade. This is an extended summary of everything that is discussed during the 7 lectures of the course Psychology of Advertising. This includes the lectures of Dr. Gert-Jan Lelieveld, Ambra Brizi & the guest lecture of Trudelies van der Poel. During the last lecture Ambra Brizi stated the lectures will be the most important content of the exam. Everything that is discussed during the lectures is stated in this...
  • 7,48 €
  • + en savoir plus