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Our Country's Good résumés

Timberlake Wertenbaker - ISBN: 9781474261395

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Afficher tous les 5 résumés de Our Country's Good, écrits par Timberlake Wertenbaker. Les résumés de Our Country's Good sur Stuvia sont écrits par des étudiants ou des enseignants, ce qui facilite et accélère la compréhension du contenu du manuel. Trouver le résumé qui correspond parfaitement à votre style d'apprentissage rendra l'étude beaucoup plus facile.

Résumés les plus vendus pour Our Country's Good

Our Country's Good: Act One Scene Summaries
8,99 €
2x  vendu

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded, and very detailed summary of each scene in the first Act of Our Country's Good. Each scene is described under the headings of the aim of the scene, the summary of the scene, audiences reaction, Wertenbakers intentions, the context of the scene as well as an indepth analysis of the possible lighting, sound, set, and costume design. As well as a quoted description of how the actors could present the characters in this scene. This...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Resume
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  10-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Our Country's Good: Character Analysis
10,79 €
1x  vendu

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed analysis and summary of each character in Our Country's good. Each Character is clearly described in detail under the headings; Personality, Context of character, Character Arc/ Aims, Wertenbakers intentions, Costume, Vocal and Physical Skills, and a description of their main scenes. As well as this, there is a page explaining the status between the characters. This document helped me immensely when revisi...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Notes de cours
  •  • 28 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  14-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Our Country's Good: Act Two Scene Summaries
8,99 €

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed summary of each scene in the secound Act of Our Country's Good. Each scene is described under the headings of the aim of the scene, the summary of the scene, audience reaction, Wertenbakers intentions, context of the scene as well as in-depth analysis of the possible lighting, sound, set, and costume design. As well as a quoted description of how the actors could present the characters in this scene. This docu...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Resume
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  10-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Our Country's Good: Themes
7,19 €

This document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed analysis and summary of various themes present within Our Country's good. The themes included are; Crime and Punishment, Nature Versus Nuture, Love/ Lust, Sex and Power, Heirarchy, Prison Life, Redemptive power of theatre, Arts in society, The power of language and Aborigines.

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Resume
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  14-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x

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Derniers résumés de Our Country's Good

Our Country's Good: Act One Scene Summaries
8,99 €
2x  vendu

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded, and very detailed summary of each scene in the first Act of Our Country's Good. Each scene is described under the headings of the aim of the scene, the summary of the scene, audiences reaction, Wertenbakers intentions, the context of the scene as well as an indepth analysis of the possible lighting, sound, set, and costume design. As well as a quoted description of how the actors could present the characters in this scene. This...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Resume
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  10-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Our Country's Good: Character Analysis
10,79 €
1x  vendu

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed analysis and summary of each character in Our Country's good. Each Character is clearly described in detail under the headings; Personality, Context of character, Character Arc/ Aims, Wertenbakers intentions, Costume, Vocal and Physical Skills, and a description of their main scenes. As well as this, there is a page explaining the status between the characters. This document helped me immensely when revisi...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Notes de cours
  •  • 28 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  14-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Our Country's Good: Act Two Scene Summaries
8,99 €

This over 10,000-word document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed summary of each scene in the secound Act of Our Country's Good. Each scene is described under the headings of the aim of the scene, the summary of the scene, audience reaction, Wertenbakers intentions, context of the scene as well as in-depth analysis of the possible lighting, sound, set, and costume design. As well as a quoted description of how the actors could present the characters in this scene. This docu...

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Resume
  •  • 19 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  10-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x
Our Country's Good: Themes
7,19 €

This document holds a clear, in-depth, color-coded and very detailed analysis and summary of various themes present within Our Country's good. The themes included are; Crime and Punishment, Nature Versus Nuture, Love/ Lust, Sex and Power, Heirarchy, Prison Life, Redemptive power of theatre, Arts in society, The power of language and Aborigines.

i voir plus d'infos x
  • Resume
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • par jeorgelewis • 
  • publié  14-05-2021
Aperçu Rapide
i x

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