Aristotle - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Aristotle ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 76 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Aristotle.
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Samenvatting - Aesthetics (CC2007)
- Resume • 21 pages • 2024
- €5,83
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Particularly since the start of the 18th century, philosophers began to reflect on the question of art resulting in the emergence of ‘aesthetics’ as an independent philosophical discipline. This has resulted in the formation of various theories of and perspectives on the ‘nature’ of art – from the theory of mimesis to expression theories; from formalism to post-structuralism, and beyond. The emergence of these perspectives are linked with the role of art in society and culture, and i...
Ethics Book Summary (Justice by Michael Sandel)
- Resume • 26 pages • 2022
- €7,99
- 1x vendu
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This is the book summary of the obligatory material for the Business Ethics Exam.
Fundamentals of psychology first exam summary (UvA, second year, first semester, bachelor psychology)
- Resume • 42 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €7,16
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This contains my summary for fundamentals, it contains both the lectures and the book. Since I summarized the book as well, it does have quite some pages, but it does contain all the important information of the chapters. It helped me a lot so hopefully it will help you too. Good luck fellow student! :)
Ethics in a Digital World - a summary of all papers
- Resume • 29 pages • 2023
- €6,99
- 3x vendu
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In dit document staat een samenvatting van de 10 papers die telden als examenmateriaal voor het vak "Ethics in a Digital World" van het studiejaar 22/23 van de opleiding Digital Business & Innovation (MSc). De samenvatting kent een actieve schrijfvorm en is derhalve goed leesbaar.
Summary Sociale en politieke filosofie
- Resume • 92 pages • 2024
- €8,79
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This summary is for the course 'sociale en politieke filosofie', as first-year course of the bachelor Philosophy and part of the university minor philosophy. It contains the needed information from the readings and lectures, plus extra answers to quiz questions and templates.
Rendre le stress des études moins douloureux
Summary - Introduction to Psychology & History of Psychology (595102-B-5)
- Resume • 30 pages • 2024
- €4,48
- + en savoir plus
This is a summary of all the chapters and lectures of the subject Introduction to Psychology & History of Psychology. I got an 8 on the exam after studying these notes. Good luck studying! :)
Bio ethics: Biodiversity
- Resume • 4 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €6,46
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Duidelijke samenvatting van de opgeloste examenvragen over het hoofdstuk "Biodiversity". Verschillende standpunten uitgelegd.
Mediality to Inter-Mediality Block 1 Notes (2021-2022)
- Notes de cours • 16 pages • 2024
- €6,36
- + en savoir plus
Notes from lectures and seminars I took for Mediality to Intermediality Block 1. I wrote these notes to make the content more accessible through bullet points, images, and simplified concepts. I hope this helps you too!
Samenvatting Business & Consumer Ethics (juni 2022)
- Resume • 92 pages • 2022
- Disponible en pack
- €6,59
- 6x vendu
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Gegeven door prof. Verstrynge aan de VUB. 
Omvat samenvatting van de lessen en het boek van H1-H8
Samenvatting [ALLES] History of Modern Philosophy
- Resume • 29 pages • 2022
- €10,49
- 18x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Samenvatting van alle stof van History of Modern Philosophy. Samenvatting is gemaakt voor het hertentamen, dus alle stof wordt hierin behandeld.
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