Comparative politics - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Comparative politics ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 143 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Comparative politics.
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Introduction to Comparative Politics Notes on Readings - GRADE 7,0
- Resume • 69 pages • 2022
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- €14,99
- 18x vendu
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Summary of the material for the final exam (2022) for Introduction to Comparative Politics. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 69 pages): 
Rod Hague, Martin Harrop and John McCormick’s book (11th edition 2019) “Comparative Government and Politics”, chapters 1, 3-13 and 15-18.
- Pack • 2 éléments • 2024
- €9,99
- 2x vendu
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Samenvatting van het hele boek comparative government and politics (12e editie) van John McCormick, Rod Hague & Martin Harrop begrippenlijst van alle begrippen die in het boek voorkomen in het nederlands in plaats van het engels zoals in het boek.
Introduction to Comparative Politics Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-12 and Review Sessions) - GRADE 7,0
- Notes de cours • 31 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €9,99
- 12x vendu
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Notes on the lectures from the course (2022) Introduction to Comparative Politics. INCLUDES lectures 1-12 and review sessions (Total: 31 pages).
Answers to Reading Guide Questions - Comparative Politics (73220030LY)
- Resume • 18 pages • 2022
- €6,49
- 5x vendu
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In this document, you will find all the answers to the reading guide questions from the second part of the course Comparative Politics (LY). 
I strongly recommend to use this document to answer the essay question for this course, and to combine it with the lecture notes that you can also find on my profile.
Lecture notes Comparative Politics Core Module
- Notes de cours • 23 pages • 2023
- €7,48
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Amazing summary of all the lectures within the Comparative Politics core module. This will for sure land you a good grade!!
Rendre le stress des études moins douloureux
Comprehensive note for all readings for Comparative Politics
- Resume • 134 pages • 2022
- €12,49
- 17x vendu
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This document contains comprehensive notes for all readings for the core module, Comparative Politics. For this class I scored an overall grade of 8.5 using these notes. Good luck studying!
Lecture notes political science - Based on Comparative government and politics book
- Notes de cours • 50 pages • 2023
- €7,49
- 10x vendu
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All notes from the book + the lectures political science. These notes helped me to get a good grade for my exam (final grade = 9,2), hope it can help you too:)
Alle hoorcolleges en literatuur van Veiligheid in de Samenleving
- Notes de cours • 79 pages • 2023
- €15,00
- 5x vendu
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Cijfer: 9.0 
Literatuur: Anholt, R. (2017). Governing humanitarian emergencies, protracted crises, and 
(in)security through resilience. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit (hoofdstuk 4). 
Baldwin, D.A. (1997) ‘The concept of security’. Review of International Studies, 23 (1), 
De Bhal, J. (2014). Security: An Essentially Contested Concept?. E-International 
Relations. Van: 
Williams, P.D. & MacDonald, M. (2018) Security studies: an introduction. New York: 
Routledge (introductie pag. 1-1...
DAT (Democracies, Autocracies and Transitions) Notes FULL COURSE
- Notes de cours • 54 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €6,99
- 23x vendu
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Democracies, autocracies and Transitions full course notes: every lecture in-depth for final exam prep. All of the material from the presentations is present, as well as anything added during the classes. Integrated with material from the readings. Final grade: 7.9
Lecture notes Comparative Politics (73220030LY)
- Notes de cours • 27 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €6,19
- 1x vendu
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In this document, you will find my notes from the lectures in the second part of the course Comparative Politics (LY). These notes can be used for the essay assignment (exam) of this course. 
I would strongly recommend to combine these notes with the answers to the reading guide questions, that you can also find on my profile.
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