Nation state - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Nation state ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 46 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Nation state.
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Global History Notes on Readings - GRADE 8,5
- Resume • 62 pages • 2022
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- €6,99
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Summary of the material for the final exam (2022) for Global History. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 62 pages): 
George Lawson’s article (2010) “The eternal divide? History and International Relations”. 
Stephen Howe’s book (2002) “Empire: A Very Short Introduction”, chapter 1. 
Peter Frankopan’s book (2015) “The Silk Roads: A New History of the World”, preface. 
Charles H. Parker’s book (2012) “Global Interactions in the Early Modern Age, 1400-1800”, introduction. 
International Relations full summary
- Resume • 58 pages • 2024
- €5,99
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This summary contains notes from all the lectures the University of Amsterdam gave for its Core module - International relations 
 (CMIR). Description given by the University: International Relations (IR) is a field of study focused on political relations that cross national borders. Most centrally, those relations are between nation-states representing the people in country territories, but IR also focuses on sub-national governmental actors and various kinds of non-state actors such as intern...
Summary: ''Global Politics'' by Andrew Heywood
- Resume • 58 pages • 2022
- €7,49
- 18x vendu
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This summary contains all the chapters of the book ''Global Politics'' in which each chapter is completely summarized and all the key concepts and definitions are highlighted in cursive. The chapters are not in chronological order as I followed the structure of the syllabus and the lectures when making the summary.
Summary book Political Geography (Flint & Taylor, 2018) 7th edition
- Resume • 112 pages • 2021
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- €5,99
- 35x vendu
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Very extensive summary of the book "Political Geography: world-economy, nation-state, and locality". Contrary to other summaries (I bought them so I know) is that this summary actually includes everything. The fact that the other summaries are incomplete is the reason why I've made my own summary. I've summarized everything per subchapter and it is easy to read. The summary also includes a glossary and the concept mentioned by the book in its glossary have been written in a fat font.
AWP Lecture Notes (My Exam Grade: 8.5)
- Notes de cours • 60 pages • 2023
- €8,39
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This document holds precise and well-taken lecture notes of the course Actors in World Politics, given by Dr. Ragazzi in the first year of 2022/2023. IT ALSO contains ALL practice exam questions AND answers given by Dr. Ragazzi during the lectures spread out over the whole block. 
Good luck with studying!
Et c'est comme ça que vous gagnez de l'argent supplémentaire
- Examen • 37 pages • 2024
- €20,30
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 State survey is ___________ based - CORRECT ANSWER-Outcome 
___________________________ is the most effective advertising tool - CORRECT ANSWER- Word of mouth 
_____________________________ can decrease quality of care - CORRECT ANSWER-Labor pools 
Maximum clearance between the bottom of the fire corridor door and the floor covering should not exceed? - CORRECT ANSWER-1 inch 
Doors except bathroom must be _________ inches wide - CORRECT ANSWER-44 inches 
Maximum corridor length allowed wit...
Actors in World Politics Notes and Lecture Discussions on Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Notes de cours • 54 pages • 2021
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- €14,99
- 22x vendu
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Summary of the material for the final exam (2021) for Actors in World Politics. INCLUDES notes and lecture discussions from (Total: 54 pages): 
Sanjeev Khagram and Peggy Levitt’s book “The Transnational Studies Reader: Intersections & Innovations”, chapters 2, 9, 19, 27, 39, 45, 47 and 48. 
Sidney Tarrow’s article “Transnational Politics: Contention and Institutions in International Politics”. 
Fiona B. Adamson’s article “Globalisation, Transnational Political Mobilisation, a...
Cultural Interaction: Conflict and Cooperation - completed lecture notes
- Notes de cours • 15 pages • 2024
- €6,42
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Revised and summarized notes from the BA course in International Studies, incl. the important aspects of all the 12 case-studies
Nation and Migration - Summary articles and lectures until week 3
- Resume • 18 pages • 2021
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- €6,99
- 4x vendu
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Overview and arguments of the articles, chapters and lectures until week 3
HSA final exam questions and answers 100% correct
- Examen • 8 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €10,39
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HSA final exam questions and answers 100% correct 
Diane and Steve care for Steve's elderly mother. They have planned a vacation to Disney World and cannot take Steve's mom. Which care option should they explore? 
Respite Care 
The Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen: 
taxed the salaries of sailors' 
Responsibilities of state departments of health include all of the following except: 
assuring the safety of food, cosmetics, and medications annually 
All of the fo...
Saviez-vous qu'un vendeur sur Stuvia gagne en moyenne 76 € par mois en vendant des ressources d'étude ? Hum, c'est peut-être un indice. Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia