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WGU C963 Final Exam (Latest 2024/ 2025 Update) American Politics and the US Constitution| Questions and Verified Answers| Grade A| 100% Correct €11,37
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WGU C963 Final Exam (Latest 2024/ 2025 Update) American Politics and the US Constitution| Questions and Verified Answers| Grade A| 100% Correct

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WGU C963 Final Exam (Latest 2024/ 2025 Update) American Politics and the US Constitution| Questions and Verified Answers| Grade A| 100% Correct Q: How do the branches of government operate under the concept of checks and balances? -The branches of government must cooperate to function, and each...

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  • 26 juin 2024
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  • WGU C963
  • WGU C963

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Par: ksolluong7 • 1 mois de cela


Par: hadeelahmad • 6 mois de cela

WGU I C963I Final I Exam I (Latest I 2024/ I 2025 I Update) I American I Politics I andI theI USI Constitution |I Questions I andI Verified I Answers| I Grade I A|I 100% I Correct Q:I How I doI theI branches I ofI government I operate I under I theI concept I ofI checks I andI balances? -TheI branches I ofI government I must I cooperate I toI function, I andI eachI branch I canI restrict I theI others I branches' I powers. -Each I branch I ofI government I functions I independently I andI doesI notI require I theI cooperation I ofI theI other I branches. -TheI branches I ofI government I must I cooperate I toI function, I butI eachI branch I hasI noI authority I overI theI other I branches. -Each I branch I ofI government I functions I independently I butI must I cooperate I withI theI other I branches I onI issues I ofI national I concern. Answer: TheI branches I ofI government I must I cooperate I toI function, I andI eachI branch I canI restrict I theI others I branches' I powers. Q:I Which I ofI these I most I accurately I describes I checks I andI balances? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -TheI states I andI theI federal I government I have I different I areas I ofI responsibilities, I andI neither I should I intrude I onI theI other. -Each I branch I canI restrain I theI others I through I aI system I ofI shared I powers. -Each I branch I ofI government I hasI anI absolute I right I toI stopI theI others I from I taking I anyI action. -NoI branch I ofI government I willI everI beI more I powerful I thanI theI others. Answer: Each I branch I canI restrain I theI others I through I aI system I ofI shared I powers. Q:I Which I ofI theI following I enumerated I powers I ofI Congress I areI generally I regarded I asI responses I toI theI weaknesses I ofI theI national I legislature I under I theI Articles I ofI Confederation? I Select I allI thatI apply. -power I toI construct I andI maintain I interstate I highways -exclusive I power I toI coinI money -power I toI regulate I commerce -power I toI regulate I banks Answer: -exclusive I power I toI coinI money -power I toI regulate I commerce Q:I TheI oversight I power I ofI Congress I isI aI form I ofI ___________ I power Implied inherent enumerated Answer: implied Q:I parts I ofI theI lawmaking I process Answer: 1.I TheI billI isI introduced I andI given I toI theI appropriate I standing I committee. 2.I TheI billI isI sentI toI theI Rules I Committee. 3.I TheI billI isI debated I inI theI House I ofI Representatives I andI Senate I withI theI possibility I ofI aI filibuster I inI theI Senate. 4.I TheI billI isI voted I upon I byI theI House I ofI Representatives I andI theI Senate. 5.I TheI billI isI sentI toI theI conference I committee I toI form I oneI unified I bill. 6.I TheI unified I billI isI sentI back I toI theI House I ofI 7.I Representatives I andI Senate I toI beI voted I upon. TheI billI goesI toI theI president I forI signature I orI veto. I IfI vetoed, I Congress I hasI theI ability I toI override I theI veto. Q:I Which I ofI these I correctly I describes I theI process I ofI redistricting? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -Redistricting I isI theI soleI responsibility I ofI theI U.S.I Congress. -Redistricting I isI completely I inI theI hands I ofI individual I stateI legislatures, I whoI mayI draw I lines I however I theyI please. -Redistricting I isI aI straightforward I process I thatI hasI engendered I littleI controversy. -Redistricting I isI aI complex I process I thatI isI subject I toI constitutional I restraints. Answer: Redistricting I isI aI complex I process I thatI isI subject I toI constitutional I restraints. Q:I Why I isI theI census I anI important I factor I inI American I politics? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -TheI census I determines I howI many I seats I eachI stateI willI getI inI bothI theI House I ofI Representatives I andI theI Senate. -TheI census I determines I howI many I seats I eachI stateI willI getI inI theI House I ofI Representatives, I andI consequently, I howI many I votes I eachI stateI willI getI inI theI Electoral I College. -Under I theI Constitution, I theI income I taxI must I beI "apportioned," I orI distributed I proportionally, I among I theI states, I based I onI theI census. -TheI census I gives I theI Census I Bureau I aI chance I toI refine I andI improve I itsI "sampling" I techniques, I toI getI aI more I accurate I count I ofI theI actual I population. Answer: TheI census I determines I howI many I seats I eachI stateI willI getI inI theI House I ofI Representatives, I andI consequently, I howI many I votes I eachI stateI willI getI inI theI Electoral I College. Q:I ForI what I reason I were I majority -minority I districts I created? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -Majority -minority I districts I were I created I toI make I districts I asI representative I asI possible. -Majority -minority I districts I were I created I toI avoid I gerrymanders I thatI diluted I theI voting I power I ofI minorities. -Majority -minority I districts I were I created I toI dilute I theI voting I power I ofI minorities. -Majority -minority I districts I were I created I toI guarantee I representation I forI theI minority I party. Answer: Majority -minority I districts I were I created I toI avoid I gerrymanders I thatI diluted I theI voting I power I ofI minorities. Q:I What I isI oneI goalI forI theI useI ofI gerrymanders? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -Gerrymanders I dilute I theI power I ofI theI minority I party I byI concentrating I supporters I inI oneI orI aI fewI districts. -Gerrymanders I giveI effective I vetoes I toI theI minority I party I inI stateI legislatures. -Gerrymandering I isI aI technique I usedI onlyI byI theI Democratic I Party. -Gerrymanders I ensure I equal I representation I forI parties. Answer: Gerrymanders I dilute I theI power I ofI theI minority I party I byI concentrating I supporters I inI oneI orI aI fewI districts. Q:I What I determines I theI number I ofI members I inI theI House I ofI Representatives? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -TheI number I isI determined I byI theI census. -TheI number I isI determined I byI Presidential I executive I order. -TheI number I isI determined I byI theI Constitution. -TheI number I isI determined I byI law. Answer: TheI number I isI determined I byI law.I (435) Q:I How I doesI theI census I affect I theI apportionment I ofI seats I inI theI House I ofI Representatives? I Select I theI oneI correct I answer. -DueI toI changes I inI population, I some I states I gainI seats I andI other I states I loseI seats.

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