Acadio Guías de estudio, Notas de estudios & Resúmenes

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  • Examen • 3 páginas • 2024
  • 10,45 €
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Tabla cronológica del Imperio acadio y la invasión de los Qutu
  • Tabla cronológica del Imperio acadio y la invasión de los Qutu

  • Resumen • 2 páginas • 2022
  • Tabla que recoge cronológicamente la historia del País de Akkad, el imperio acadio, la invasión de las hordas Qutu. Solo se recogen los reyes/reinos que aparecen citados en el libro Historia Antigua del Próximo Oriente y Egipto
  • 2,99 €
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Block Exam 3 Fire Academy 1. 1. The street, or address side of the structure is termed:: A. Division A. 2. 2. Which of the following has the highest priority for a radio transmission?- : B. Emergency traffic from a unit working at a fire or rescue 3. 3. T
  • Block Exam 3 Fire Academy 1. 1. The street, or address side of the structure is termed:: A. Division A. 2. 2. Which of the following has the highest priority for a radio transmission?- : B. Emergency traffic from a unit working at a fire or rescue 3. 3. T

  • Examen • 4 páginas • 2023
  • Block Exam 3 Fire Academy 1. 1. The street, or address side of the structure is termed:: A. Division A. 2. 2. Which of the following has the highest priority for a radio transmission?- : B. Emergency traffic from a unit working at a fire or rescue 3. 3. The telecommunicator's first responsibility is to:: A. obtain the information that is required to dispatch the appropriate units to the correct locatio
  • 10,55 €
  • + aprende más y mejor