TRMA830 Quiz Differing Affects of Trauma

Liberty University

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TRMA830/ TRMA 830 Quiz Differing Affects of Trauma (already graded) Fall 2021
  • TRMA830/ TRMA 830 Quiz Differing Affects of Trauma (already graded) Fall 2021

  • Examen • 7 páginas • 2021
  • TRMA830 Quiz: Differing Affects of Trauma A common method of avoiding extreme pain in traumatic circumstances is that of . Psychic numbing Positive alternate cognitions placebo Incorrect Avoidance (Correct answer found Schupp p. 82) When one has experienced a trauma that is violent, unspeakable, or horrific, it is natural to seek protection both from the of the current event and potential of a similar event. √ memories; harm perpetrator; victim violence; danger harm; fear Judith H...
  • 12,98 €
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