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Life Sciences Resúmenes

Jen Grogan - ISBN: 9781776113361

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Ver todos los 5 resúmenes de Life Sciences, escritos por Jen Grogan. Los resúmenes de Life Sciences en Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes o profesores, lo que facilita y acelera la comprensión del contenido del libro de texto. Encontrar el resumen que se adapte perfectamente a tu estilo de aprendizaje hará que estudiar sea mucho más fácil.

Resúmenes más vendidos de Life Sciences

Biology / Life sciences notes - the human nervous system and receptors
7,56 €

In-depth set of biology notes on the Human Nervous system and Receptors, as well as all parts of the brain and their functions. These are summarised notes from the textbook provided by the IEB for Grade 11's. Notes come with pictures and labels for further understanding of the topic.

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  • Entrevista
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por shaydynventon • 
  • subido  02-11-2021
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Plant diversity and Animal diversity
6,96 €

Recommended by teachers and classmates. Well structured summaries with lots of stunning diagrams to assist learners. Includes plant diversity (vascular and non-vascular plants, cone bearing plants and flowering plants - monocotyledons and dicotyledons) and classification of plants. As for animal diversity, taxonomy and classification is included, along with GREAT summaries of each phyla, sub-phyla, and classes. This section is very lengthy and confusing with strange terminology but these notes s...

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  • Resumen
  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por callivarikas • 
  • subido  01-03-2021
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Fungi: Function, Structure and Production
4,25 €

Summarized Fungi Notes: General Characteristics, Reproduction: Asexual and Sexual, Fungi Structure and Function(Annotated labeled drawing and flow diagrams), Economic use of Fungi and Fungal Diseases: Athlete's foot and Candidiasis Thrush. Fungi in the Food Industry: Bread(Yeast), Wine and Beer. Fungi in the Medical Industry: Vaccinations and Immunization. Detailed explanation and examples included.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 17 páginas • 
  • por hannahmills • 
  • subido  09-02-2021
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Reproductive animal strategies - IEB syllabus
2,50 €

Quick and simple notes comparing different reproductive strategies in animals.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rebeccavdm • 
  • subido  13-01-2021
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The Nervous System notes - IEB syllabus
2,50 €

Simple notes and summaries on a difficult section. Includes pictures and flowcharts to make it easier to learn off by heart.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rebeccavdm • 
  • subido  13-01-2021
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Resúmenes más recientes de Life Sciences

Biology / Life sciences notes - the human nervous system and receptors
7,56 €

In-depth set of biology notes on the Human Nervous system and Receptors, as well as all parts of the brain and their functions. These are summarised notes from the textbook provided by the IEB for Grade 11's. Notes come with pictures and labels for further understanding of the topic.

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  • Entrevista
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por shaydynventon • 
  • subido  02-11-2021
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Plant diversity and Animal diversity
6,96 €

Recommended by teachers and classmates. Well structured summaries with lots of stunning diagrams to assist learners. Includes plant diversity (vascular and non-vascular plants, cone bearing plants and flowering plants - monocotyledons and dicotyledons) and classification of plants. As for animal diversity, taxonomy and classification is included, along with GREAT summaries of each phyla, sub-phyla, and classes. This section is very lengthy and confusing with strange terminology but these notes s...

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  • Resumen
  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por callivarikas • 
  • subido  01-03-2021
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Fungi: Function, Structure and Production
4,25 €

Summarized Fungi Notes: General Characteristics, Reproduction: Asexual and Sexual, Fungi Structure and Function(Annotated labeled drawing and flow diagrams), Economic use of Fungi and Fungal Diseases: Athlete's foot and Candidiasis Thrush. Fungi in the Food Industry: Bread(Yeast), Wine and Beer. Fungi in the Medical Industry: Vaccinations and Immunization. Detailed explanation and examples included.

i Mostrar mas información x
  • Resumen
  •  • 17 páginas • 
  • por hannahmills • 
  • subido  09-02-2021
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Reproductive animal strategies - IEB syllabus
2,50 €

Quick and simple notes comparing different reproductive strategies in animals.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rebeccavdm • 
  • subido  13-01-2021
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The Nervous System notes - IEB syllabus
2,50 €

Simple notes and summaries on a difficult section. Includes pictures and flowcharts to make it easier to learn off by heart.

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  • Resumen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por rebeccavdm • 
  • subido  13-01-2021
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Relevancia, eficiencia y conveniencia. Estos son elementos importantes al estudiar o prepararse para un curso o examen. Estudiar con la ayuda de resúmenes de libros, que están vinculados al número ISBN de su libro (de estudio), es más relevante que nunca. Tus compañeros de estudios o tutores comparten sus conocimientos contigo para ayudarte a prepararte para tus exámenes. Encuentre el número ISBN de su libro y asegúrese de comprar el resumen correcto. De esa manera, no se enfrentará a sorpresas durante sus exámenes.


Todos los resúmenes de Stuvia están escritos por estudiantes que ya han realizado el examen, profesores que enseñan el material de estudio o editores profesionales. Como resultado, puede estar seguro de que comprenderá el material del curso más fácilmente y de que el resumen contiene todos los elementos que se prueban en el examen. Encuentra el libro que necesitas estudiar por su ISBN y elige el mejor resumen de libro de texto.