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5 things to bring to an exam

How to study for exams - 5 things to bring to an exam

Exams equal stress and in stressful times it possible to forget something. So be wise and use this checklist before your exam, so you won't forget anything and are fully prepared to take your exam.

Take enough pens and pencils with you

This seems like the typical thing you wouldn't forget, but don't take any chances! Also, don't forget to bring a pencil sharpener and an eraser. You wouldn't want to fail because your tools failed you. A broken pencil, or a pen without ink... These situations are easily prevented by bringing a spare pen. Like this, you won't have any bad luck and you will be able to finish your test.

A bottle of water - without a label

During an exam, it's wise to bring a bottle of water. When you're thirsty, you can get distracted from your exam. That’s why you should always take a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated. Be careful though, and don’t drink more than you need to, or you will lose precious time by using the bathroom during an exam. In some cases, you aren’t even allowed to go to the bathroom. An extra tip: be sure to take off the label of the bottle. This is sometimes required, otherwise, you could cheat by printing a label with cheat notes and sticking it to your bottle.

Take your ID and student card with you

Often, no ID or student card means that you're not allowed to take the exam. You will need to authenticate who you are before you can make an exam. It depends on which country and which university, but most of the time, you can use a passport, ID or driver's license. At some universities, you also need to bring your college ID beside the regular ID or passport.

Sign up for your exam!

At most universities, you have to sign up for your exam in advance. Usually, you will get an email to confirm that you’re signed up for the exam. If you are not signed up correctly, get in contact with your school. They can hopefully help you out.

Check the location and time of your exam

The location and time where your exam takes place can change because of all sorts of reasons. Unfortunately, this happens a lot. Because you want to be on time at the right place, check the night before and the morning of the exam, where you need to go.

Other necessaries per subject (+batteries!)

For some subjects, it is allowed to use devices, books or other extra things you need to bring to the exam. For instance a lawbook, calculator or a ruler. In a course manual, you can always read which things you can and can not bring to the exam. If you need to use something that runs on batteries, don’t forget to bring extra batteries! They might run out during the exam, so you will need spare ones then. Or if you need to charge your calculator, don't forget to do this!

Good luck with your exam!