Organic chemistry (CHEM2322)
University Of Texas - Arlington
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Miscellaneous notes relating to an organic chemistry course from nearly 30 years ago.

Organic Chemistry, Chapters 22 to 27, Chemistry 2322-003, University of Arlington, Spring 1992
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Reviews Chapters 22 to 27 of an Organic Chemistry textbook that I have misidentified as "Organic Chemistry" by David R. Klein. 
Course notes are from 1992. 

The manager of this account is not the person who wrote these notes.

Offering a bundle if you want to pay to download these all at once.

Chapter 24 Review: Carbohydrates <=> Sugar -- Chemistry 2322-003, 20 April 1992.pdf
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021
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Reviews the nomenclature conventions and classifications of carbohydrates and saccharides, stereochemistry and Fischer projections, and cyclic structures, and anomers and diastereomers.

Preparation for Test 4 May 1, Chemistry 2322-003, April 1992
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021
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Notes about Claisen Condensation (analogous to Aldol condensations) and Dieckmann reactions.

Chapter 23 Review: Condensation Reactions -- Chemistry 2322-003, Spring 1992
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021
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1) The Aldol Condensation 
- enolation and the steps involved 
- more successful for aldehydes but less successful for ketones 
2) Dehydration of Aldol Products 
3) Mixed (or Crossed) Condensations 
- including discussions of steric hindrance 
- explanation of when these reactions work well 
- spontaneous dehydration 
4) Intramolecular Aldol Condensations

Preparation for May 1 Exam, Chemistry 2322-003, from 1992
- Summary • 9 pages • 2021
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Reviews the following topics: 
- substitution of hydrogen by deuterism 
- malonic ester synthesis 
- ester hydrolysis 
- decarboxylation 
- reactions involving acetic acid, and its substitution with methyl groups.

Chapter 22 Review: Carbonyl Alpha-Substitution Reactions -- 6 April 1992, Chemistry 2322-003.
- Summary • 9 pages • 2021
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Notes describing how aldehydes, ketones, and esters undergo substitution of hydrogen on the carbon adjacent (ALPHA) to the C=O. These reactions occur in both acidic and basic conditions. 
Discusses formations of enols and the process of tautomerism. 
Includes examples.
These notes are about valence electrons, bonding preferences, and formal charges.

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