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Colibri Real Estate 30 Hour
Colibri Real Estate 30 Hour
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Colibri Real Estate 30 Hour
Colibri Real Estate 30 Hour
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Broker yyJane yyhas yybeen yyaccused yyof yya yylaw yyviolation yyregarding
yycommissions. yyWhich yyof yythe yyfollowing yymight yyresult yyin yyher yybeing yyfound
A) yyJane yypaid yya yycommission yyto yyher yylicensed yypersonal yyassistant.
B) yyJane yypaid yya yycommission yyto yythe yywife yyof yyone yyof yyher yylicensees
yywho yywas yyrecently yykilled yyin yyan yyauto yyaccident. yyThe yydeceased yylicensee
yyhad yyearned yythe yycommission yyprior yyto yyhis yydeath.
C) yyJane yypaid yya yycommission yyplus yya yybonus yyto yyone yyof yyher yylicensees.
D) yyJane yypaid yya yycommission yyto yya yyFlorida yylicensee yywho yyis yynot
yylicensed yyin yyGeorgia yyfor yylicensing yyactivity yyin yyGeorgia. yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer
yy- yyD) yyJane yypaid yya yycommission yyto yya yyFlorida yylicensee yywho yyis yynot
yylicensed yyin yyGeorgia yyfor yylicensing yyactivity yyin yyGeorgia.
Any yysalesperson yycan yylegally yyreceive yyher yyshare yyof yythe yycommission yyon
yya yysale yyfrom
A) yyher yyemploying yybroker yyonly.
B) yyany yycooperating yybroker yywith yywhom yyshe yycompletes yya yysale.
C) yya yybuilder yyshe yyrepresents yyin yya yysale
D) yythe yypurchaser yyof yythe yyhome yyin yya yysuccessful yysale. yy- yyCorrect
yyAnswer yy- yyA) yyher yyemploying yybroker yyonly.
Which yyof yythe yyfollowing yyis yyNOT yya yyprotected yyclass yyunder yyGeorgia yyfair
yyhousing yylaw?
A) yySexual yypreference
B) yyFamilial yystatus
C) yyReligion
D) yyRace yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyA) yySexual yypreference
Syed yyis yyan yyinactive yylicensee. yyHe yyjust yymoved yyto yya yynew yyhome yyacross
yytown. yyWhat yymust yyhe yydo?
A) yyCall yythe yyCommission yyand yygive yyit yyhis yynew yyaddress.
,B) yyReport yythe yyaddress yychange yywhen yyhe's yyready yyto yyreactivate yyhis
C) yySend yya yywritten yynotice yyto yythe yyCommission yywithin yy30 yydays.
D) yyNotify yythe yypost yyoffice yyto yysend yya yychange yyof yyaddress yynotice yyto yythe
yyCommission. yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyC) yySend yya yywritten yynotice yyto yythe
yyCommission yywithin yy30 yydays.
How yymany yyhours yyof yycontinuing yyeducation yymust yya yylicensee yycomplete yyfor
yyeach yyyear yyof yylicensure?
A) yy8 yyhours
B) yy9 yyhours
C) yy5 yyhours
D) yy4 yyhours yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyB) yy9 yyhours
Glenda yyis yythe yyoffice yymanager yyfor yya yylocal yyreal yyestate yyfirm. yyShe yyis
yyresponsible yyfor yycoordinating yythe yypaperwork yyflow yythrough yythe yyoffice,
yypreparing yyads yyand yysupervising yythe yyclerical yystaff. yyGlenda yyis
A) yyrequired yyto yyhave yya yysalesperson's yylicense.
B) yyviolating yylicense yylaw.
C) yyrequired yyto yyhave yya yybroker yylicense.
D) yyexempt yyfrom yythe yylicense yylaw. yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyD) yyexempt yyfrom
yythe yylicense yylaw.
Haru yyis yyworking yywith yyhis yybuyers yyto yydraw yyup yya yywritten yyoffer yyon yya
yyproperty yythey yywant yyto yypurchase. yyWhich yyof yythe yyfollowing yyitems yyis yynot
yyrequired yyin yythe yyoffer?
A) yyThe yyproperty yydescription
B) yyThe yymortgage yylender
C) yyThe yymethod yyof yypayment
D) yySpecial yystipulations yythe yyoffer yyrequires yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyB) yyThe
yymortgage yylender
Kezia yyjust yybought yyand yyclosed yyon yya yynew yyhome yythat yycost yy$195,000.
yyher yymortgage yyamount yyis yy$165,500. yyhow yymuch yyis yythe yyintangible
yyrecording yytax yyon yyKezia's yyproperty? yy
A) yy$585
B) yy$195
C) yy$165.50
D) yy$496.50 yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyD) yy$496.50
,*An yyintangible yyrecording yytax yyis yydue yyand yypayable yyon yyeach yyinstrument
yysecuring yyone yyor yymore yylong-term yynotes yyat yythe yyrate yyof yy$1.50 yyper
yyeach yy$500 yy
$165,500 yy÷ yy$500 yy= yy331
331 yyx yy$1.50 yy= yy$496.50
Salesperson yyGordon yyrefuse yyto yyaccept yyan yyoffer yyto yypurchase yyhis yyhome
yyfrom yybuyer yyJuan yyValdez yyof yyColumbia yybecause yyGordon yyfeels yythe
yyearnest yymoney yyof yy$100 yyis yynot yyenough. yyWhich yyof yythe yyfollowing
yystatements yyabout yyGordon's yyrefusal yyis yycorrect?
A) yyGordon yyis yyin yyviolation yyof yyfair yyhousing yylaw yybecause yyhe yydiscriminated
yyon yythe yybasis yyof yynational yyorigin.
B) yySince yyGordon yyrefused yyon yythe yybasis yyof yythe yyearnest yymoney, yyhe yyis
yynot yyin yyviolation yyof yyfair yyhousing yylaw.
C) yyGordon yyis yyin yyviolation yyof yycivil yyrights yylaw yybecause yyhe yydiscriminated
yyon yythe yybasis yyof yyrace.
D) yyGordon yyis yyguilty yyof yyredlining yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyB) yySince yyGordon
yyrefused yyon yythe yybasis yyof yythe yyearnest yymoney, yyhe yyis yynot yyin yyviolation
yyof yyfair yyhousing yylaw.
Jada yyis yya yycommunity yyassociation yymanager. yyWhich yyof yythe yyfollowing
yywould yybe yyone yyof yyher yyduties?
A) yyAdvising yyan yyowner yyabout yyhis yylegal yyliability yyfor yya yyvisitor's yyinjury yyon
yyhis yyproperty.
B) yyFollowing yythe yyinstructions yyof yyall yythe yyowners yyin yythe yycommunity
C) yyLending yy$1,000 yyto yythe yycommunity yyassociation.
D) yySending yya yymonthly yynewsletter yyto yythe yyowners. yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy-
yyD) yySending yya yymonthly yynewsletter yyto yythe yyowners.
Which yyof yythe yyfollowing yydoes yyNOT yyneed yyto yybe yyincluded yyin yya yyproperty
yymanagement yyagreement?
A) yyA yyspecific yydescription yyof yythe yyproperty
B) yyThe yynames yyof yythe yyowners
C) yyThe yynames yyof yythe yytenants
D) yyThe yyterms yyof yythe yymanagement yyfee yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyC) yyThe
yynames yyof yythe yytenants
Gary yygot yyhis yylicense yyin yyMay yyof yy2021. yyHis yybirthday yyis yySeptember yy28.
yyWhen yywill yyhis yylicense yyexpire?
A) yyMay yy31, yy2025
, B) yySeptember yy1, yy2025
C) yySeptember yy30, yy2025
D) yyMay yy1, yy2009 yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyC) yySeptember yy30, yy2025
*Real yyestate yylicenses yyexpire yyon yythe yylast yyday yyof yythe yylicensee's yybirth
yymonth, yyevery yy4 yyyears.
A yyseller's yyagent yymust yydisclose yyany yyadverse yyphysical yyconditions yyin yythe
yyimmediate yyneighborhood yywithin yy_______ yyof yya yyproperty.
A) yy1 yymile
B) yy2 yymiles
C) yy5 yymiles
D) yy10 yymiles yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyA) yy1 yymile
Jadarius yyhas yyhad yyhis yylicense yysuspended. yyBy yylaw, yyJadarius's yyname yywill
yyb yye yypublished yyon yythe yyGeorgia yyReal yyEstate yyCommission yywebsite yyif
yythe yylicenses yyhas yybeen yysuspended yyfor yyhow yylong?
A) yy15 yydays
B) yy30 yydays
C) yy60 yydays
D) yy90 yydays yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyC) yy60 yydays
Why yywas yythe yyReal yyEstate yyEducation, yyResearch yyand yyRecovery yyFund
A) yyTo yyeducate yythe yypublic yyabout yyreal yyestate
B) yyTo yyfund yycourses yyfor yyreal yyestate yyagents
C) yyTo yycompensate yyconsumers yydamaged yyby yylicensees' yypractices
D) yyTo yyconduct yyreal yyestate yyresearch yyprojects yy- yyCorrect yyAnswer yy- yyC)
yyTo yycompensate yyconsumers yydamaged yyby yylicensees' yypractices
Which yyof yythese yypersons yywould yyrequire yya yyreal yyestate yylicense?
A) yySuresh yyis yya yyfull-time yyemployee yyof yya yyutility yycompany. yyHe yynegotiates
yyand yyacquires yyleases yyfor yythe yycompany.
B) yyGreta yyis yyan yyattorney yywho yyconveys yyreal yyestate yyunder yya yypower yyof
C) yyJack yyrefers yyclients yyto yyhis yylicensed yybroker yybrother yyand yyreceives yya
yyfee yyfrom yythe yyparties yyhe yyrefers.
D) yyA yypartnership yysells yya yybuilding yyowned yyby yythe yypartners. yy- yyCorrect
yyAnswer yy- yyC) yyJack yyrefers yyclients yyto yyhis yylicensed yybroker yybrother yyand
yyreceives yya yyfee yyfrom yythe yyparties yyhe yyrefers.