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Neuroscience Zusammenfassungen (1. ausgabe)

Dale Purves, George J. Augustine - ISBN: 9780878939671

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Alle 10 Zusammenfassungen für Neuroscience anzeigen, verfasst von Dale Purves, George J. Augustine. Alle Neuroscience Zusammenfassungen, Mitschriften, Karteikarten, Lernzettel und weiteres Lernmaterial werden von Kommilitonen oder Tutoren verfasst, um dir das Verständnis des Lehrbuchinhalts zu erleichtern. Wenn du die Zusammenfassung findest, die perfekt zu deinem Lernstil passt, wird das Lernen zum Kinderspiel.

Bestseller Neuroscience Zusammenfassungen

Basal Ganglia
8,98 €
1x  verkauft

Detailed notes on the structure and function of the Basal Ganglia from a Neuroscience class taken at the undergraduate level at UCLA. Includes notes on the anatomy of the circuit of the basal ganglia, dopamine and dopaminergic projections, the direct and indirect pathway, and movement disorders including Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease

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  • Notizen
  •  • 18 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
Auditory System
8,98 €
1x  verkauft

A brief overview of the sensory systems and detailed notes on audition from an undergraduate neuroscience course. Includes sections on: sound frequency and hearing, intensity and speed of sound, the structure of the auditory system, the cochlea, the basilar and tympanic membrane, the organ of corti, auditory receptors, TRPA ion channels, Depolarization and repolarization of hair cells, auditory pathways, auditory cortex, broca and wernicke's area, and hearing loss

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  • Notizen
  •  • 29 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
8,98 €

Detailed notes on the Cerebellum structure of the brain, from an undergraduate neuroscience class at UCLA. Includes sections on: Cerebellar gross anatomy, cerebella subdivisions, vestibulocerebellar and spinocerebellar pathways, mossy fibers and climbing fibers, microcircuitry, as well as classical conditioning of the eyeblink reflex.

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  • Notizen
  •  • 24 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
Cranial Nerves and Assessment
3,99 €

These summary notes are on the cranial nerves - where they originate, what they innervate, their nuclei, etc. It includes pictures and also how to examine each cranial nerve. Apt for medical students, chiropractic students and any other students in health professions.

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  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 10 Seiten • 
  • von neurologyfreak • 
  • hochgeladen  21-09-2017
i x
Visual System
12,57 €

Vision 1: Anatomy of Eye and Photoreceptors - includes sections on the properties of light, the gross anatomy of the eye, human retinal development, accommodation by the lens, the visual field and visual acuity, hyperopia and myopia, laminar organization of the retina, and photoreceptors

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  • Notizen
  •  • 85 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
Clinical Skills
10,49 €

Study guide for clinical skills class (chiropractic career). Apt for medical students and other students of other health professions. Covers a wide range of topics as can be seen from the tags. Offers a practical approach (examination/assessment) of theoretical concepts. ex: brachial plexus theory and then brachial plexus examination.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 64 Seiten • 
  • von neurologyfreak • 
  • hochgeladen  21-09-2017
i x

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Neueste Neuroscience Zusammenfassungen

Basal Ganglia
8,98 €
1x  verkauft

Detailed notes on the structure and function of the Basal Ganglia from a Neuroscience class taken at the undergraduate level at UCLA. Includes notes on the anatomy of the circuit of the basal ganglia, dopamine and dopaminergic projections, the direct and indirect pathway, and movement disorders including Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease

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  • Notizen
  •  • 18 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
Auditory System
8,98 €
1x  verkauft

A brief overview of the sensory systems and detailed notes on audition from an undergraduate neuroscience course. Includes sections on: sound frequency and hearing, intensity and speed of sound, the structure of the auditory system, the cochlea, the basilar and tympanic membrane, the organ of corti, auditory receptors, TRPA ion channels, Depolarization and repolarization of hair cells, auditory pathways, auditory cortex, broca and wernicke's area, and hearing loss

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  • Notizen
  •  • 29 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
8,98 €

Detailed notes on the Cerebellum structure of the brain, from an undergraduate neuroscience class at UCLA. Includes sections on: Cerebellar gross anatomy, cerebella subdivisions, vestibulocerebellar and spinocerebellar pathways, mossy fibers and climbing fibers, microcircuitry, as well as classical conditioning of the eyeblink reflex.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Notizen
  •  • 24 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
Cranial Nerves and Assessment
3,99 €

These summary notes are on the cranial nerves - where they originate, what they innervate, their nuclei, etc. It includes pictures and also how to examine each cranial nerve. Apt for medical students, chiropractic students and any other students in health professions.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 10 Seiten • 
  • von neurologyfreak • 
  • hochgeladen  21-09-2017
i x
Visual System
12,57 €

Vision 1: Anatomy of Eye and Photoreceptors - includes sections on the properties of light, the gross anatomy of the eye, human retinal development, accommodation by the lens, the visual field and visual acuity, hyperopia and myopia, laminar organization of the retina, and photoreceptors

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Notizen
  •  • 85 Seiten • 
  • von anarang11 • 
  • hochgeladen  14-06-2017
i x
Clinical Skills
10,49 €

Study guide for clinical skills class (chiropractic career). Apt for medical students and other students of other health professions. Covers a wide range of topics as can be seen from the tags. Offers a practical approach (examination/assessment) of theoretical concepts. ex: brachial plexus theory and then brachial plexus examination.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 64 Seiten • 
  • von neurologyfreak • 
  • hochgeladen  21-09-2017
i x

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Alle Zusammenfassungen zu Stuvia werden von Studierenden verfasst, die bereits die Prüfung abgelegt haben, Dozenten, die den Studienstoff unterrichten, oder professionellen Verlagen. Dadurch können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie den Kursstoff leichter verstehen und die Zusammenfassung alle Elemente enthält, die in der Prüfung geprüft werden. Finden Sie das Buch, das Sie studieren möchten, anhand seiner ISBN und wählen Sie die beste Lehrbuchzusammenfassung.